Shocking revelations...

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Miku POV...

It's been two days after the party. After I asked Rinto about Kaya, he tried to avoid it at first but I insisted. So he gave in anyway. He said it couldn't be talked about in a place like that. So he asked me to meet him at a coffee shop which Miki is driving me to right now.

I spotted Rinto reading a magazine as Miki parked that car at the cafe. "I'll be going to the studio now. Kiyoteru just got back from California yesterday and he has some documents he wants me to retrieve. If you're done, just call me and I'll come and pick you up Ok?" She says as I opened the door. "Sure, say hi to him for me" I said wearing my giant hat and sun glasses and stepped out. I watch as she gives me one last wave and drives off.

I turn towards Rinto and sigh. Here goes nothing.

He raises his head as I approach him. At first, he looks confused and alert that I almost laugh at his expression. I raise my glasses and wink at him before realisation dawns on him and his mumbles and 'oh'.

I sit on the seat opposite him giving him a smile. He keeps his magazine aside and smiles back. "Hey" he says as I mumble a 'hi' back. "So let's get straight to the point. What is it that you want to know about Kaya?" He says as I shrug. "I dunno, pretty much everything". He closes his eyes and sighs. "Ok. But you'll have to be ready, because some parts of what I'm about to tell you will leave you at shock and-" I cut him off "yeah yeah, just tell me. I was born ready" I said as he narrows his eyes at me.

"Ok. I'm going to start from the top. As you know, our dad is a very rich and famous fashion designer. As people call him, the king of fashion. He had everything, the fame, the money, the ladies. Every one loved him" he pauses and smiles lightly before he suddenly frowns.

" But there was one woman, who was madly in love with him. In fact, that wasn't love, it was obsession. Of course she told him that she loved him, but he told her that he was already in love with our mother. And that made her angry of course. She told him that she would have him for herself no matter what and how long it takes. And she left" he shrugs at the last part.

"Ok, what does all this have to do with Kaya?" I said as he shushes me. "Patience tiger, I'm getting to that!".

I folded my arms and gestured for him to continue.

"Dad thought she was bluffing, but ten years later she returned. Lenka and I were both seven years old and Rin and Len we're just four. I think she spent most of her time spying on him to learn which one of us was dad's favorite. Which was Len. Because he also had interest in designing and that made dad happy. That day after school, our driver came to pick us up but Len was no where to be found. We searched the school and every place where Len could go to, but there was no sign of him" Rinto pauses and swallows before he continues.

" Three days later, dad got a phone call. And that was when he realized she had returned and she kidnapped Len, threatening to kill him if he doesn't bring my mother to her in two weeks. I was so young then and I wasn't told about many details but I could understand what was going on. Days passed and time was running out. That was when he made a plan to get Len back. I don't know what happened but it seemed they had help with her sister. I don't know how they did it, but they finally got Len back and the woman was taken to a mental asylum. Turns out she's mentally unstable" he squeezes his eyes shut as if he could still see the scene in his head.

"Len was badly hurt, he had bruises everywhere, he couldn't move, he couldn't speak, he couldn't do anything. He looked broken. His back was covered with what seemed to be fork marks" fork marks? I turn pale as realisation dawns on me. So that's why he reacted that way!

"He was even put in a comma for over six months. And when he woke up, his behavior changed. The sweet bubbly innocent little boy became more violent, and short tempered. And I don't blame him. Imagine all that happening to a boy at the age of four. Who knows what she's done to him?" Rinto says, his voice sounding broken.

So the temper tantrums he throws and how violent he acts weren't inherited by his father as Rin said. He was just badly affected by all that. Poor Len.

I grab Rinto's hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sorry Rinto-" he cuts me off. "No, you deserve to know. I'm also sick and tired of these secrets keeping you apart. Now you must be thinking what all this has to do with Kaya" I nodded.

"Do you remember what your mother looks like?" He said says as I saw him reaching for his pocket. "Yes? We have the same hair color but different eye color. She had Amber eyes" I said confused. "Good. What's your mum's name?" He says fiddling with what seemed to be a small photo.

" Maya. Why are you beating around the bush?"

"Have you ever seen Neru's mother?" He says as I shook my head no. He hands me the paper as my eyes widened. This.... Is Neru's... Mother? She's like the older version of me.

"That's your mother's sister" that makes me choke on my own spit. WHAT!!? "please tell me you're joking" he narrows his eyes, "does this look like a time to joke?".

I can't believe this. This means, Neru and I are cousins?!

"Yes, you and Neru are cousins. And yes you said it out loud. So let me summarize things for you. Neru's mother is your aunt, your mother's name is Maya...." He pauses

"..... And Neru's mother, is non other than, Kaya. Your mother's twin sister"


"And that's the reason why Len had always hated you at first. Because you reminded him of her" he says as I still couldn't speak but stare at the picture in shock.

All this time when I thought Len hated me for no reason, when he actually had a good one. Oh my God, I can't imagine what he's gone through, and I just added to his problems! I'll have to talk to him about this. And apologise.

But first things first.

"Which asylum was she taken to?"

Hey guys! Surprise!

Two chapters in one day to make up for it. I may not be updating for a while with all the tests I'm having but I will once I get the chance.

Were you shocked? Cause I sure was 😵.

So, please vote..... comment.... And share...... ✌️😘

Thank you!

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now