Death is near...

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Miku POV...

I couldn't stop the tears as I stared at my long time personal assistant and friend smirk down at me.

Turns out she was actually Kaito's cousin. She agreed to help him only when she got something in return. And that's why he wants my brother's restaurant. To pay her with.

I thought all the issue with the restaurant was all about revenge but I was wrong apparently. He wanted to hit two birds with one stone.

Once in a while, I'd steal glances at her but she avoids my gaze every single time.

I kept looking around the room, avoiding the intense gaze of Nero. Why is he staring at me like that. As well as the perverted gaze of his men when i saw a shadow at the window... No wait... It's a silhouette of a person? Who is...?

"Brother, come see this" Neru says with a serious tone as she stares at something in her laptop. He walks towards her and takes the laptop from her and looks at it, his brows slowly knitting together.

"He's here. Finally" he pauses and sets the laptop in Neru's thighs. "But he's alone. They better not be trying anything funny" he says stroking his chin.

"No, Len is here also" Neru says as her eyes seemed to be sparkling.


"Wait... If you made a deal with Mikou to exchange his property for me, then why did you invite Len? You got what you wanted, why is Len here?" I say as Neru throws her head back laughing. She regains composure and stands up walking towards me.

"Stupid girl. That was Kaito's part of the deal. Len is here to pay the full price for your release. Which is my part of the deal" she grabs my cheeks squishing them together, her nails digging in my skin drawing blood.

"Right in front of your eyes, I'm going to marry him today" she smirks as my eyes widen.

"What? Shocked? I made a deal with him. He marries me, then I release you" she says smiling sweetly before releasing my face.

"No" I whisper,not believing what I was hearing.

"Oh yes. I told you what would happen didn't I? I always get what I want. Today I'll be happily married to Len, while you... You'll be alone. And miserable. Because immediately your brother's property gets transferred into Miki's name, he'll be killed immediately. And on top of that, I made sure I ruined your career. Everyone hates you" she laughs.

"Today everything you ever had will go down the drain. And the best part is, I listed all this to Len but he agreed anyway. Though I threatened I'd kill you if he doesn't do what I say. But what the heck, right?" She shrugs as if it's nothing still smiling.

"Len wouldn't do that. You're lying!" I scream out I frustration as she just chuckles.

"Oh really? Let's see then. Believe it or not, I don't care. Today is my wedding day, everything is all about me today. If you'll excuse me. I'll be downstairs with my soon to be husband" she smirks before turning around to leave the room with Kaito and Miki following behind her. Miki gives me one last glance and I see something flash in her eyes. Something like, guilt? Then she walks out

Nero then walks towards me and holds my hair in a tight painful grip making me hiss.

"Behave. I've been hearing stories about you from her since long ago. You taunted her, abused her, troubled her, killed her best friend, you even broke her phone that day at school five years ago, and then broke your phone too, framing her so she'll get in trouble. So don't try anything funny, you'll regret it" he grits out.

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now