The invasion...

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Miku POV...

" After the job is done, what do you want to do with her"

" I don't know. I'm torn between killing her and ending my problems for good and letting her go roam the streets receiving hate from people. Both options sound tempting"

I was starting to regain consciousness a little but my mind was a little foggy.

I could hear the voices of my captors through the fogginess of my head, the first voice sounded slightly familiar but the second voice sounded very familiar.

"Sshh, she's waking up now" the slightly familiar voice of the male rang through my ears as I blinked my eyes several times to adjust to the light. This is the first time since two days ago that they finally removed my blind fold. I wonder what's the occasion.

Though my vision was blurry, I could see the outline of the person in front of me. The familiar sickening smirk playing on her lips as she stared down at me. Neru.

I shifted my gaze to the male sitting on a chair beside her, with two bulky guys beside him wearing suits and shades. Legs crossed, fingers tangled and brows raised with no ounce of humor on his face. Nero.

They've held me hostage with them for about a week and during my stay here, Nero would only ever come to my room. Look me over, then go out again.

He had the same hair and eye colour as Neru. Except her eyes were painted with make up. He had a strong jaw line, a straight nose and a scar in his left brow which split it in half. He was also wearing a white button up shirt with his sleeves rolled up revealing his tattoos, and a pair of dark washed jeans. If I hadn't already known some body more handsome and drop dead gorgeous than any guy on Earth I would have found this guy attractive.

He continues to stare intently at me (as usual) with his firery colored eyes as I shrank in my seat and looked down. Let's just say besides Len, he's the second most violent person I know. Unlike his psychotic sister, he gets violent for a reason even though his has a huge temper. Neru's isn't violence because she never has a reason to get aggressive. She's just plain psychotic.

"I hope you had a nice long nap. Because it might be your last" Neru spoke chuckling a bit.

"When are you going to let me go? What do you want from me?" My voice husky as I say this. I've always been asking questions ever since the first day they abducted me but I only got hysterical laughters and sometimes beating in return. My head was still pounding and spinning and my situation wasn't helping either.

" Let me go or else-!" Neru cuts me off

"Do you really think you're in any position to raise your voice at us? You're at our mercy Miku and you know what I want. So I suggest you keep that face hole of yours shut otherwise..." she brings out a gun from her pocket and brings it to my mouth. "I'll fill it up bullets " she says smirking.

I continue to glare at her in order to hide the fear I was feeling. The worst thing I can do right now is show her my fear. I won't give her that satisfaction.

"Let me go" I grit out the words even though I know it won't have any effect. Neru only chuckles.

"Let me go while you have the chance. Len is coming for me and when he gets here, he's goanna make you regret the day you were born! All of you!" I yell looking at everyone in the room straight in the eye. I know I was just digging deeper into my grave but sometimes my mouth has a mind of it's own when I'm pissed. She chuckles once more. This one more mocking than the last as she squats in front of me. Her hands placed on my thighs.

"Oh he's coming all right. But not to do what you just said" she pauses "But to see his plan fail" she smirks as my eyes widened.

"What? You're surprised? " She tilts her head still looking at me.

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now