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Third person POV...

The tealette's eyes flutter open seeing the sun had already rose. It was noon.

The warm hard body pressed against her from behind making her snuggle even closer. She turned to face him, admiring his sleeping face.

The tealette blushed as she remembered yesterday night's events. Len had definitely worn her out.  And the ache between her legs and body was evidence enough. He'd always had a very impressive stamina but yesterday was definitely extra. Even on normal circumstances, the latest he would let her rest was around  3:00 am in the morning.

She noticed the handcuffs lying on the foot of the bed. Yesterday he had really lost control. He says it was because he had been away from her for over two weeks because both of them had travelled on their various business trips. He had actually wanted to keep control yesterday, he always had for the past four years since they were married. But yesterday she had made him reach his limit and urged him to loose control because she thought she could handle it.

If only she knew.

Instead of the normal three o' clock they usually ended the session, they actually reached 5:00am in the morning.

And he still wanted to go once more but decided against it when he noticed how spent and exhausted she was. She really had to spend a few more years with him in order to keep up with his stamina.

Her eyes trailed down from his broad chest to his muscular torso. His arms were wrapped tightly around her with no sign of letting go so the only thing she can do for now was check him out before he wakes up and teased her about it.

Len was definitely more muscular than he was four years ago. Even though he wasn't buff, he sure was muscular. His chest and torso was more defined, his biceps bigger and his shoulder blades sharp. His blond hair was even longer than before. In fact, it was a bit longer than Rin's when she in her teens. Except he had spiky hair unlike her.

Miku had also changed as well. Having given birth to a now three year old girl. Her figure was more curvaceous. Her thighs were thicker and her chest fuller. Almost like Luka. She had definitely changed in a good way since thier marriage.

Speaking of marriage, her mind flashes back to the most precious day of her life. The day she became his and he became hers forever.

She could remember it like it was yesterday.

Flash back...

Miku POV...




I roll my eyes as my friends continue to yell at each other.

In case you don't know what's going on. Today is THE day. It's my wedding day. I know. I can't believe it either.

"Ne! Len said we shouldn't bother about buying her a wedding dress, what the heck is she going to wear on her wedding day?" Meiko says applying lip stick to her lips.

Soon, we heard a knock at the door making everyone pause on what they were doing.

"I'll get it" IA says walking to the door and opens it. Kiyoteru's niece stood there holding a garment bag in her small hands.

"Delivery!!!" She yells excitedly raising the bag up and IA ushers her in collecting the bag.

"This must be the wedding dress"

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now