Too good to be true...

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Hey guys, I'm so sorry I hadn't updated for the past hundred years 🙄. University is just getting tougher and tougher, especially since it's my third year. So.... Enjoy!!! 💖💖💖

Miku POV...

It has been three weeks since the cruise ended. One week since I left Japan. And also two weeks since the "incident".

What incident you ask?

Let's throw back a little...

Flash back...

It's been five days since we got back from the cruise. Rin asked me to come to her house for a sleep over so I can tell her how it all went. I told her everything that happened. Even the disaster that happened in the last two days of the cruise. About my little drunken state drama.

I walked down the stairs towards the kitchen to get some water. As I got to the entrance, I saw Len's wide back facing me as he prepared his coffee. I wonder why he does it himself. I watched as the muscles on his back rippled with his every move through his long sleeved grey shirt that clung to him. I've been wanting to talk to him all this while and this seems like the right time since he's alone.

I took a deep breath to calm my self and walk in. He turns around at the sound of my foot steps as time seemed to freeze when our eyes connect.

"Miku-" I cut him off." There's something I want to talk to you about". He stares at me in confusion and walks towards the island to take a seat. He sips his coffee and motions for me to talk. I take a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"Why did you do it?" I said as he sets his coffee down wearing a confused expression. "Do what?".

"You're seriously doing this? You know what I'm talking about" for some reason, this all feels like Deja Vú. "During salsa night. You sent a Butler with a drink to give me-" he cuts me off. "And why would you think I sent sent him?" He says emphasizing the "I".

I bring out a note from my back pocket. "I got your note. With your signature on it" I said holding up the note open for him to see. He looks lost in thought and in a daze as he stares into space. " And not only that. Yesterday, you sent me some pictures about us and another note. Threatening me, that if I don't leave Japan, you would let them leak to the social media. Which will ruin my carrier. Really Len? Do you seriously hate me that much?". There were pictures about us on the day of my birthday when he was leaning so  close to me. And another one where he was carrying me on his back, then another one where I was straddling him with my face just inches from his that it almost looked like we were kissing. I  don't know when that happened but I'm guessing that was the night I was drunk. Or should I say when he spiked my drink so that he can take  those pics and use them against me. Because most of them looked like I was the one forcing myself on him.

He tilts his head in confusion but doesn't talk back. He seems in a daze again before his confused expression turns to anger.

"So this was what she was talking about. That bitch!" He whisper yells as he slams his fist on the island. "So this is what who was talking about?!" I yell, voicing my own confusion. He looks at me for a brief moment before he looks away and resumes to drinking his coffee.

"So now you're just gonna ignore me?" I said feeling hurt. He finishes his coffee and goes to keep it in the sink but still ignores me. "Len!".

"What!? What do you want from me?!" He yells at me. I manage to suppress the tears that start to form in my eyes. Luka was wrong. This man doesn't have any sort of affection for me. I knew it was too good to be true.

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now