One messed up cruise...

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Miku POV...

"Hello Japan!" I yell in the microphone fist bumping in the air. I smile as my fans scream waving their glow sticks rapidly in the air.

"Are. You. Ready. To. Rock!!" I yell as they all scream 'YEAH!'. "I can't hear you! I said, Are. You. Ready. To . Rock!!" I yell again and their screams get louder.

The music starts to play as fog starts to appear from the fog machine for special effects. After all, the song is called ghost rule.

(Play song at the side 💖💕)

"Thank you! Thank you very much! I love you!" I yell waving goodbye as I start to walk backwards. I take one last bow,  "Good night from yours truly!" I yell before walking backstage.

"Oh my God, that was so awesome!" Miki squeals as she hands me a bottle of water. "Oh, it wasn't that awesome" I said, collecting the bottle of water.

"You're right. It wasn't that awesome. It was super amazing!" A voice yells and I find myself almost choking on my drink. My eyes meet with a pair of blue and honey sets of eyes.  I feel a big smile grow on my face as I approached them.

"Dex! Diana! What a surprise!" I said giving them a hug. "Oh we know. We wanted to surprise you. And we did", says Dex winking playfully at me.

"Yeah. We're so sorry we missed your birthday. We had a concert on that very day. I hope you had a very happy birthday" Diana says placing her hand on my shoulder. "Oh, it was a day to remember indeed. Trust me" I said remembering the events that day.

"Well, it may be late to attend your birthday but it's not too late for a birthday present" Dex says reaching for his back pocket. "So that's why, we brought you.... This" he brings out two tickets from his back pocket. I collect them and look closely to see they were cruise ship boarding passes.

"Guys? What's this?" I said a eyeing them suspiciously. "Isn't it obvious. We're going on a luxury cruise together. You know, to take a break from everything. We invited a few friends of ours and I can't wait for you to meet them. I'm sure you guys will get along" Diana says.

"Oh, thank you so much! But I'll have to ask Kiyoteru-" Dex cuts me off. "Don't worry. We already talked to him about it since last week. He's cool with it". "Oh, Ok then. It's settled. When is the-" I start to ask but Dex cuts me off again, "this Saturday. 5:00 pm sharp". I narrow my eyes at him. "Ok you need to stop doing that. Cutting people off before they even finish talking". He raises his hands in surrender and mutters a 'sorry'.

Time skip......

Today was finally the day we board the ship. I gave the other ticket to Miki because Luka's schedule was packed and Rin also had a lot of things to do. Gumi isn't even in town. After all, a PA is always supposed to be by her boss's side.

Miki and i step out of the the car to see Dex and Diana waving over at us. "I'll see you soon. Take care of yourself Ok?" Mikou says as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Bye! Love you!" I yell closing the door. Miki takes our suit cases out of the car trunk and I take mine from her.

We meet Dex and Diana before presenting our tickets and a Butler comes to take our luggages. "I am so excited for this cruise!" I squeal. "You're telling me, I only took one bite of an apple this morning because I was so caught up in packing" Diana giggles.

"Which reminds me. We'll have to go to the restaurant immediately we finish unpacking. After all, the captain personally invited us for dinner. You'll even be meeting some of our friends there" said Dex as we finally come to a stop. "Your room miss" the butler says opening a shiny metal door. He takes mine and Miki's luggages inside and we say our goodbyes to Dex and Diana. "See you guys in an hour!" Dex yells as I walk into the room, Miki following behind me. "Yeah, bye!".

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now