One step closer...

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Rin POV...

I let out a groan, rolling onto my stomach in my bed. I had a day off today and I was bored out of my mind. Gumi is still out of town, Luka's schedule is so packed that she doesn't even have time for anything else but work. And Mikou is also busy with his restaurant. I really wanted to hang out with him today. But he didn't answer when I called him and he sent me a text saying he was very busy today and would call me back as soon as he gets the chance. So I spent the whole day lying on my bed, eating orange related stuff while wearing an orange T-shirt with the picture of an orange on it, and watching a show about orange farms.

For the past five years, Mikou and I had gotten so close that I almost thought he'd developed feelings for me. But my hopes got crushed when his friends asked who I was to him and he just responded that I was a "close friend of his". It really broke my heart that day but I managed to play it off with a smile. I should never have gotten my hopes up.

Pushing the negative thoughts aside, I decide to have a video chat with my baby brother. He answered after two rings.

"Rin, hey" he says as he stared at me lazily through the phone. "Let me guess, you were sleeping?" I said as he sighs. "Yeah, and a certain someone woke me up" he says with an irritated voice. "Yeah,  cuz I was bored. And I wanted to talk to someone" I said as he releases an irritated sigh. "Why me? You know how grumpy I get when I'm rudely interrupted from my sleep".

"Sorry not sorry" I said teasingly as he groans. "Ok talk, and be quick about it!".

"Ok Ok Mr lazy grumpy pants! So I have a day off today and I was just... You know... thinking" he stares at me with a bored expression as he waits for me to continue. "Do you think Mikou will ever love me just like I love him?" I said as his face softens at my words, "Yes. I do" his words sound blunt but his eyes are genuine.

"I don't know. Its just, every single time I get my hopes up that maybe he's attracted to me. Like the way he came to our house at one in the morning to bring me ice cream last year? I was just joking about it but he came any way. And the way he becomes so over protective of me when ever a guy hits on me. I asked him why he did that but he only said because he sees me as his little sister and his big brother instinct made him do it. And the worst thing that kills my hopes completely is the fact that he introduces me as a "close friend" to his friends. I'm so tired of this. But I still can't seem to let go" I whisper the last sentence as I feel tears building.

Len sighs, "I guess we both have bad luck in the love department. But if you ask me, I'd say he has feelings for you but hasn't realised it yet. Because he still hasn't gotten over Lenka's death. He feels guilty. And that's why he keeps denying the attraction he has for you" he says in a calming voice as I wipe my tears. "You really think so?" I croak out as he nods smiling warmly.

"Hey dude what are you doing here? I've been looking for you everywhere! Running from Miku again?" Yells a familiar voice in the background. Piko.

"Who are you talking to?" I hear his voice getting closer and soon, his face appears on the screen. "Oh hey sweet cheeks. How are you doing? Do you miss m- ouch!" He gets cut off when Len smacks his head. I giggle, " I'm fine. And what did you mean by 'running from Miku again?' " I said raising a brow.

"Oh, yeah. Miku has been acting really weird for the past two days. I don't know what's gotten into her but she's been acting really flirty and too nice for comfort for someone who's so set on revenge. At first I thought I was drunk and imagining things but turns out I wasn't" Len explained.

"Hmm, so why exactly are you running from her?" I asked. "I dunno, so i don't become the cause of our five year old plan being ruined? Duh. If she keeps that up I'm not sure I would be able to control myself. And you know what that would cause. Neru has spies everywhere. One wrong move, and everything will be ruined" Len says mumbling the last part.

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now