Short lived moments...

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Miku POV...

I wake up to the peaceful sound of the ocean as the waves repeatedly hit the rocks just behind the beach house. Feeling an extra weight on me, I look down to see a muscular arm holding onto my waist tightly. I smile as i remembered the events that happened yesterday.

I manage to turn around and face him admiring his beautiful features. From his perfectly shaped brows, to his long lashes that brush his cheeks lightly, to his small straight nose then his peach pink lips which were slightly parted. I also noticed how long his hair had gotten, almost as long as Rin's hair was five years ago.

My smile suddenly falls when I remember what I found out yesterday.
Like he said, no secrets. So he told me everything. And I also told him my part.

I can't believe so much has happened without me knowing anything about it. Like Neru being part of a Mafia, her brother being the Mafia king. Len and Rin's full proof plan to defeat them. And how Neru actually attempted to kill my brother if Len didn't get engaged to her. Len at first didn't take her seriously so she planned an accident that happened to my brother two years ago. When Len confronted Neru about it, she told him next time Mikou wouldn't survive. But the most shocking thing is how Neru actually killed Haku for saving my brother before it was too late. I'm guessing Haku had feelings for Mikou to do something like that. Turns out, Neru actually wanted Mikou to die the first time.

I wonder how far enemies will go to keep Len and I apart. I feel like our love story compared to others, would be the most screwed up and the most complicated of all. Like, why all this? Just to get someone that despises you all to yourself? Even if Neru succeeded in her plans, does she really think she'd find happiness? As for Kaito? I have no idea why he's doing all this but in time, all will be revealed.

My eyes drop down to his bare chest. Yesterday was the first time I've actually seen Len shirtless, even at the beach, he always wears a shirt or a tank top to hide the fork marks and also to avoid any questions asked.  And I have to say, he's well built, with a well defined chest and six pack almost forming eight. I couldn't help but stare.Though I could see some of the marks from his back peeking.

He finally told me the full details on what Kaya did to him. And hearing it makes me ashamed to even look him in the eye. Considering I'm related to her. I can't believe at the age of four, she tried to molest him all just to get revenge on his father. And Len being the brave little kid he was, he stabbed her arm with a fork near by to defend himself.

She was so angry at that and as punishment, she tortured using the same fork every morning. Heating the fork red hot and marking his back with it as the poor child screams in agony. Imagine going through all that at the age of four. Now I understand why she was pegged as a psycho because she really is one. I also understand why he choked me that day when I approached him with the red hot fork, especially since I looked so much like her. I'm such and awful person!

He had every right to react like that because of course that experience would have a toll on him. Poor Len.

As for the traitor, I can't really point a finger on any of my friends. Which is even more scary. Who could it be? And why?

I brush Len's bangs behind his ear and the action makes him shift a little before he opens his cerulean blue eyes. He smiles "good morning blue bellé" he says, his voice husky as I smile at the new nickname he gave me yesterday.

"Morning" I say blushing as he smiles in amusement. This makes me look down at his chest as he pulls me closer, before sliding his hand from my waist to my thigh then to my waist again which makes me shiver in delight.

"Were you staring me like a creep again while I was sleeping? Like the way you did in the music room five years ago?" He smirks and I blush in embarrassment.

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now