The welcome party...

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Miku POV...

"... Don't worry, I'll be going back to Japan as soon as possible"

"Yay! can't wait to see my Onii-Chan again..." I'm cut off by the car coming to a stop. "Oh we've arrived at the airport already, bye" I said ending the video call just as he said a 'bye' back.

"Talking to Mikou again?" Kiyoteru says as I took my big shades from him.  The driver opened the door for me and i was about to step out when Kiyoteru grabbed my arm. "Wait, won't you wear a hat? Your sunglasses won't do anything to hide your identity. Considering your very very unique hair color. Unless you want crazy screaming fans chasing you and our flight will be delayed." He flashes me a grin and I blushed.

I collected the hat muttering a 'thank you' and stepped out the car...

Time skip....

I step out of the airport breathing in the cool air of Japan. My home. I'm finally home.

"Common, there's a car waiting for us" said Kiyoteru adjusting his shades as he tucked his hands in his pockets. "I just can't believe I'm home again!" I said spreading my hands wide and letting the breeze hit my face.

My hat was about to fall when Seeu adjusted it for me. "Woah there little tiger. Your hat almost fell. Miki, you're supposed to take care of your little boss as her PA, or do i have to take care of both of her and Mr Kiyoteru?".

"Well... I ...." Miki scratches the back of her neck as we got to the car. "Oh don't worry Miki, you don't have to explain yourself. Everyone messes up sometimes" I said as the breeze blew my hat off.

"Look! It's Hatsune Miku!"

"It really is her!"

Soon, a group of people start to run towards us and Miki pushes me into the car and she follows in with me and slams the door shut. Kiyoteru and Seeu we're already in the car so we drove off immediately before the crowed could get to us.

Some minutes later...

We arrive at a huge mansion. Almost as big as the one in California but this one was less wide.

I step out the car, taking in the massive house in front of me. "Wow" was all i could say. "Beautiful isn't it" said Kiyoteru as I nodded before we went in.

Turns out this was the place he grew up. I met his mom, Mrs Hiyama. A very cheery woman I might add with the same hair and eyes as Kiyoteru. Especially since she's a hugger. Immediately we went in, she just hugged both of us tight. Saying he's finally brought home her "daughter in law" making both of us flustered.

As if things couldn't get worse, she kept talking about how many grandkids she wanted if we did get into a relationship during dinner. Kiyoteru himself was embarrassed, you can imagine my state. Miki kept giggling, clearly enjoying the scene and Seeu just kept a straight face. Clearly jealous the Mrs Hiyama already considers me as a daughter in-law.

And he also has a niece. A girl with black hair and brown eyes. Her name was Yuki. The same name as my rabbit. I giggle at the thought. At first ,I thought she was kiyoteru's daughter because they looked alike. But she was actually his late sister's daughter.

I was brushing my hair, staring at the mirror and lost in thought when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I said turning to see who it was and Kiyoteru walked in.

"Hey... Miku" Kiyoteru says awkwardly leaning on the door. " Hey" I said. My voice unsure. Why does he look nervous.

"Look, I would like to apologise about my mum-" I cut him off.

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now