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Miku POV...

I stared up at him blinking in confusion. Why was he smiling?

His expression suddenly turned serious "Do you really think I would forgive you? Why would I forgive you?" he says taking a step closer to me. I looked down, feeling intimidated by his cold gaze. His height wasn't helping either.

I started sobbing quietly, wiping my tears quickly so I don't look even more pathetic than I already did. I totally saw that coming. Even i wouldn't forgive me.

A surprised gasp left me when he raised his hand to wipe my tears. Softly caressing my cheeks with both hands now but I still didn't look up. The guy is so unpredictable that even his softest caresses could mean a threat.

My head jolts up when I hear his next words.

"When you've done nothing wrong?".

My mind goes blank as he says this. I couldn't even think anymore. Nor could I even blink. I just stared at him surprised and confused. A single tear rolls down my cheek and with his hands still cupping my face, he wipes it with his thumb.

It takes me a while to recollect my thoughts and my voice.

"But... How... What??? What is...? You..?" He places a finger on my lips and my heart sky rockets.

Oh my heart!

He removes his finger from my lips and uses it to brush my bangs behind ear. "I know you didn't have anything to do with my boutique burning down. Not only me, everyone knows you didn't do it" I blink several times in confusion as his lips tilts upwards in an amused smile.

"But they... Rin, Mikou, Luka.... They.." he cuts me off. "They were all acting. We know Kaito's spies were watching you so they did all that so that he would think his plan was successful. In fact, spies are watching us right now" he grins mischievously.

"What?? How do you... I need to-" he cuts me off again. "They're my spies. But Kaito and Neru don't know about my spies lurking in their spies" he smirks folding his arms making his muscles flex.

"But how? I mean... Surely they'll notice new faces?" I say not really sure what's going on. "That's because I'm always two steps ahead. I think things through. Plus, I had Rin to help me. In fact, this was all Rin's plan".

I furrow my brows. "What do you mean?" I say as he stuffs his hands in his pockets. "Things were getting out of hand with Neru especially when she now had Kaito by her side five years ago. And I didn't know what to do. I was lost. So Rin came up with this whole idea. And that was why we had to separate".  

"So you mean to say since that day we broke up in your room? That was all Rin?" I say as he nods. I turn away from him trying to digest what he just said. My heart starts to boil and my brain swarms with so many angry questions. Rin!!!

"So you mean to say all the mean things you did to me was all an act that Rin planned?! This whole scenario is all Rin?"

" why are you getting angry?"

I sigh. "I know you did what you had to do to protect me from Neru and Kaito. But why five years Len? Why get engaged to Neru? Do you know you're actually related to her?" I said turning to face him. He brows furrowed. So he doesn't know.

"Tell me. Was this all Rin's plan? To get you engaged with her? What was actually the reason for Rin's so called plan anyway? What is the plan actually?" I say.

"Before you start getting angry at Rin, I asked her for help. Because I didn't have any other option. I was desperate and she was the only one I could turn to. Like you said, I did it to protect you! Neru is part of Japan's biggest Mafia and her brother is the Mafia king. She's dangerous Miku! "

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now