Unpleasant surprises...

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"Meet my fiancé, Len Kagamine..."

Say what now?


Miku POV...

So, he got engaged to Neru. I should have expected such a foul move from a devil.

Of course he'll move on with his life. He finished his job on breaking me, so the devil decided to get engaged to someone who despises me as much as he does. What a perfect couple. I mentally roll my eyes.

"I told you you wouldn't be saying that if you knew who it was" Neru says breaking me out of my thoughts.

"What the hell are you two doing at my welcome party?" I almost yell.

"Miku-Chan!" A voice yells and Luka appears from around the corner. "You're taking forever in there, were you pooping or something-" she cuts herself off when she sees the three of us.

"Oh..... uhhhh, surprise!" She exclaims and i raise a brow at her. "Luka, what's the meaning of this. You told me this was a ba-" Len says walking towards her as he tucks his hands in his pockets, when I cut him off.

"Wait, you invited him!" I yell pointing my index finger at her. "Hey hey hey, what's with all the tension around here. I only invited him here to surprise both of you. You know.... Lovers reunion?" She says as i roll my eyes.

"So you mean to tell me that you didn't know they're engaged? That you would think of inviting him-" She cuts me off. "I only invited him here so he would come to his senses and dump that Barbie doll and get engaged to you instead. Seriously, what's with all the tension between you two. Five years ago you guys were inseparable. Always mushy and huggy with each other that i use to wonder if you can keep your hands to yourself. What happened five years later?!" Luka yells clearly frustrated.

"Excuse me? What did you just call me?!" Snarls Neru but we all ignore her.

I don't blame Luka though. She doesn't know that Len was the actual reason why I left Japan in the first place. She doesn't know the situation between us. No one knows.

"Things change after five years" Len's deep voice speaks after a short silence. He turns around and his cerulean gaze meets mine and before i know it. We're having a glaring contest. Well, more like i was glaring. His eyes just narrows as he stares at me.

"People change after five years" I said still glaring at him. An awkward  silence takes over as Luka clears her throat. "Ok. Well, I'm not going to deny the fact that this is..... Awkward. Whatever this.... Is.... I'm gonna be with the others if you need me" she says starting to back off with her hands raised in surrender.

"I was just leaving too" I say walking past Len. I could still feel his burning gaze on my back as i walked away. I don't care, the asshole can stare all he wants!

Soon, he won't even have the courage to even stare me in the eye. I smirk at the thought.

Time skip.....

It's been a week since I came back to Japan. I've been living with my brother and as for Kiyoteru, he comes to pick me up from here whenever I'm needed or i drive myself there.

It was 6:23 pm. I was playing my guitar on my bed with Yukine on my lap. Mikou had been out all day and Kiyoteru didn't really have anything for me today. Miki was sorting some paper and telling me about how she broke up with her last boyfriend which was a very unpleasant experience. I've been there...

Soon my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Rin. I answered.

"Hey Rin"

"Hey, Miku. How are ya!" She chirped through the phone.

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now