An eye for an eye...

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I'm so sorry for making you wait guys but here's a new chapter.

Please don't hate me 😰😩


Miku POV...

Why those toilet drinking idiots! I know I saw some people taking videos about my little fight with Kaito, I didn't know it would get out to the media.

One of the bad effects of being famous. Any small thing you do becomes the talk of the town. I miss my privacy. I watch the reporter speak as the video is played all over again.

I couldn't take it anymore so i switched off the TV. I sank more into the couch, groaning as my phone started to ring. Checking the caller ID, i saw Kiyoteru's name. I'm sure this is about the news. Oh brother. I answered.

"Helloooo, Kiyo-Kun. How's it going?" I said in a small voice while grinning sheepishly.

"Don't you 'kiyo-kun how's it going' me Miku. Get your butt to the studio right now" he says strictly making me flinch. He isn't the kind of person to get angry easily. But when he does, it ain't pretty.

"Ok" I answered in a small voice before he ended the call.

"Oooof, I haven't seen him this mad since that dinner incident" said Miki beside me making me jump. "When did you get here?" I said as she shrugged. "When you were busy talking to a very not so happy manager" she smirked.

I rolled my eyes at her words. "Common, you're gonna drive me there. I don't think my shaky legs can deal with driving right now".

Time skip...

"Do you have any idea what you've gotten your self into?! I am very and I repeat, very disappointed in you Miku. I told you that you're not a normal girl anymore. You are a celebrity, a famous person. And you should always consider the consequences of your actions before you do anything, because anything small you do, is big to the public...".

I watch as Kiyoteru rants on and on about my behavior at the party. Of course yesterday he was a little mad, but now because of the news, he's even more angry. I shouldn't have gone to that darn party.

"Are you even listening to me?" He says folding his arms. I nod without meeting his gaze as i hear him sigh. He drags a stool and sits next to me.

"Listen, I'm sorry I lashed out on you like that, it's just I'm worried about you and your carrier.." he lifts my chin so i meet his worried eyes. ".. Kaito Shion is a very important person. As you know he's the CEO and owner of Crypton records-" I cut him off. "What's that got to do with us. He's not your boss nor is he mine. Why are you so worried?" I said  as he removes his hand from my chin.

He pushes his glasses up before he speaks. "Well, as i said earlier he's a very important person because he's accomplished many things in not only Japan, but some neighboring countries too. He's built orphanages,  hospitals, and also offered to sponsor poor people to school. People love him. And they don't want anyone saying or doing anything bad to him. And what you did at the party... Well, people are mad at you. And if people are mad at you, they wouldn't want your music, and if they don't want your music, your carrier is at risk" he explained as i digested each and every word he spoke. Ohhh, that's why he's so mad. Darn it, what have I gotten myself into?!

"Oh no, what am i gonna do" I said starting to panic. He gripped my shoulders. "don't worry. I spoke to him this morning and he said he would like to come so you two can talk. I'm sure we can work out something" he said giving me a warm smile which made me believe that everything was going to be alright.

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now