Unfolding secrets...

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Sorry for the wait everyone. An extra long chapter to make up for it 😘

Miku POV...

I wake up to the feeling of something soft and hairy brushing against my cheek. Len?

I slowly open my eyes to meet with the big black eyes of my adorable bunny. Of course it's not him. The bastard tricked me again.

I slowly sit up picking Yuki in my arms, stroking his soft white fur. Thinking back to the scenarios that have been taking place for the past seven days since the incident at Dex's party.

Len asked Mikou and I to come live with him just so he can keep an eye on me in case I'm being targeted. Although, Mikou refused the offer and said he could take care of himself. When I insisted, he finally made the decision to ask Luki and another friend of his to stay with him. That made me a little less restless now that he's not alone. They're all good with guns after all. And their fighting skills are very good too. So living with Len actually gave me butterflies even though we don't stay in the same room. And he suggested that. I was surprised too.

He says it's because he wouldn't be able to control himself and that's why he suggested we stay in different rooms. He knows I'm the "keep-my-virginity-till-after-marraige" type of girl and he respects and loves that. In fact, he loves it a little too much actually cause in his words "I'll be your first and definitely your last and I'll be the only one" he had said.

The words gave me butterflies when he said them in a possessive tone, especially since we were in the middle of a make out session.

So, living with him was pretty fun.


He's always been absent for the past few days. Always going out early in the morning before I wake up and only coming back late at night after I fall asleep.

I tried talking to him about it for the past three days but he manages to change the topic with silly conversations or excuses. And it's starting to really piss me off. Especially since he hired four body guards to follow me around like a mother duck. They're one of the reasons that stop me from finding out what Len is really busy with. They would say they have "strict orders" from Len not to allow me to interfere in his business. He knows me so well. He knew I'd try to find out by following him.

But I have a right to know.... Don't I? If this is all a plan that he's working on to take down Neru and the others, I deserve to know. This is our fight. Together.

Sighing in frustration, I stand up keeping Yuki aside to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Before walking downstairs to the kitchen to have some breakfast.

Walking into the kitchen, the maids greet me, in which I return with a polite smile.

"What would you like to eat today Miss Hatsune. Since the twins are not around we were wondering what you would like for breakfast" says the shy brunette maid, Lin. Since I've been living here for almost two weeks, she's finally warmed up to me and isn't a stuttering mess anymore. That's progress.

"Umm.... Don't worry. I'll make it myself" I say walking over to the fridge to get some water.

"Oh, but miss Hatsune shouldn't-"

"Don't worry Lin. I'm actually in the mood to cook today. Just go ahead, I can manage" I say smiling warmly. Besides eating weird food combination, cooking is another way I deal with stress. She blushes and bows before walking out of the kitchen.

"Ok... What to make.... What to make..." I trail off tapping my chin. Finally, I make a decision and start making the decided dish.

After some minutes, I finally finish preparing my meal. Placing my hands on my hips as I admire my work.

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now