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Long chapter ahead...

Miku POV...

"Remind me why we're going to the asylum again?" Miki says as she takes a right almost hitting a parked car.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you. Just concentrate on the road, Ok?" I said grinning sheepishly. That turn almost gave me a heart attack. She returned the sheepish smile and continued to drive as the asylum came into view from a distance.

I wore my giant hat and glasses and stepped out of the car. "Be safe!" said Miki as I shut the door. "I will!".

I walked inside, going to the Clerk to do, what ever it is I'm supposed to do. I've never been to a mental asylum before so I'll just let the clerk direct me.

After signing in, a staff was sent to a accompany me down to where the patients were. As we got there, my heart instantly broke for them. Innocent people, trapped in the world of insanity. Psychopathy.

I watched them through the glass walls. Women, both young and old.

Soon, the staff stopped at a particular room. "Here we are" he says as I took a step forward and looked through the glass. There a blue haired woman stood. Her hair covering her face, casting a shadow. She was wearing a dark blue jump suit, which was almost covered by her long blue hair similar to mine. Except hers had a natural glow to it just like my mum's, and was much longer the mine. Because it looked like it was pooling on the ground.

She starts walking forward, her head still ducked down as her long hair dragged behind her. She's like a real life Repunzel. Except with blue hair. I guess years in an asylum made her not have the time to cut it. Either that or she likes it that way. She was also tall. At least 5'10.

Soon, she raised her head and I gasped. She looked exactly like me! Except older!

"Yeah, I know right? Funny that she looks like that pop star Hatsune Miku" the staff chuckles but I ignore him. She stares at me and gives me a sinister smile. I gulp. "Umm, can you give us some privacy? Please? I need to talk to her alone" I said as he nods looking at his watch. "Ok but you have ten minutes" then he walks off.

She stares at the staff as he walks off and then turns her attention back to me, tilting her head.

"Uh.. hello" I said awkwardly. She lowers her eyelids as I take note of her ridiculously long eye lashes. Man, this woman is beautiful. And she's not even wearing make up!

"Can... Can you hear me?" I say waving my hand a little but she still stares blankly at me. "Umm... You may find it hard to believe this, but... I'm your neice". She raises a brow mockingly at me when I say this.

I remember I'm wearing a disguise and I remove my hat and glasses. Her eyes widen as she raises her hand and touches the glass. I stare at her hand for a while and hesitantly raise my hand to place it over hers. Her hand is slightly bigger than mine.

"Umm. Hi... again. This is the first time I'm seeing you and... I would love to know more about you but there's no time so... I need to ask you some questions. Can you answer them for me? Please?" I said as she smiles and nods.

I needed to know the real reason why she did all that. I know she was obsessed with Mr Kagamine. But for some reason, I felt like there was something more to the story.

Although I was afraid of what my question could trigger in her, I just had to ask. "Umm, sorry for asking but... Can you tell me what really happened between you and.... Mr Kagamine? Eighteen years ago?" I said cautiously as her eyes widen. She removes her hand from the glass and steps back a little. Then turns her back to me as her head is ducked down a little.

(Len x Miku) Bully no more (sequel to Bully to boyfriend) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now