not in the mood.

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New book :D. Jenny is still gonna be the director in this book.



my alarm went off, i groaned i really didnt want to get up. I was so tired and as soon as i get to work tony would be bragging about the girl who stayed at his last night.

I decided to get up and get ready, i didn't want to be late for work, because i don't think Gibbs would be impressed with me.

Once i was ready, i got into my car and drove to work. I was actually driving normally today and not like someone who had failed their driving test.

I walked through the NCIS building as i scanned my eye to enter, i got into the elevator, Dinozzo was in the elevator too...


"What tony?" I rolled my eyes, i wasn't in the mood for his childish games today.


Great, he's trying to annoy me.

"Heyy ziva." he tapped me,

"What tony?!" i snapped,

"Woah, did someone have a busy night last night? And got no sleep.'' Tony smirked.

I didn't actually, it was one of those nights where i reflected back through my whole life, just glimpses of it.

"So what if i did? it has nothing to do with you!! Stop pestering me." I shouted at him.

He pressed the elevator button to make it stop,

"If i tell you about my night last night." he grinned, "will you tell me about yours?"

I pressed the elevator button so it would continue, then the elevator made that beep sound.

I stepped outside the elevator with Tony, behind me.

We walked towards our desks,

"Dinozzo, David. You're ten minutes late." Gibbs slapped tony round the back of his head. He had a cup of coffee in his hand, like usual.

"Sorry Gibbs." I looked at the ground avoiding eye contact with him.

"Just don't let it happen again." He told me, then walked up to the directors office.


I walked into abby's lab.

"Hey ziva! how you been?" she asked me, and pulled me into a hug.

"i've been fine, except from Tony irritating me." i lied, especially about the me being fine part.

"You two are so cute!"

I went bright red,

"We are not abby. everybody knows he's a player." i informed her.

"Whose a player?" Gibbs was stood at the doorway in abbys lab.

"Have a guess?" abby smiled,

"Dinozzo?" Gibbs asked us,

Abby nodded.

"Oh, i think he'll settle down soon. Ziva, get to your office, you and Tony need to grab your gear."

I nodded.


I went to my desk, and grabbed my badge and gun.

"Woah. the ninjas got her gun, i'm sorry ziva i surrender." Tony put his hands up, then he laughed at his own joke.

"Gibbs said to grab our stuff." i bluntly told Tony.

"Cool, where we going?" he asked me,

"I do not know."

"Ziva, tony. You ready?"

We both nodded,

"Bye mcgeek." tony smiled and waved at mcgee- tim.

We got into my car,

"Probie." Tony smirked,

"I'm driving tony."

"Ok.. I'll drive the way back." he replied,

"No. i will be driving there and back this is my car."

"I don't think so Zi." he started tickling me,

"Ah...tony..get off.. stop!" i shouted at him,

He smirked, i went to the punch him, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me onto his lap.

Im not in the mood for his stupid games..

Damn i knew i should've put my seatbelt on..

All i knew was that this car journey was certainly going to be a long one.



New book :D, i love ncis so i thought i would write a fan fiction about it. So i know this isn't a perfect chapter, but thanks for reading <3

Please tell your friends about this book <3

Next update should be soon, i have to finish my other books too.



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