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What is tony playing at?

I'm pretty sure gibbs made his rules pretty clear, and the amount of times he's slapped tony round the back of his head. And he still does not learn.

"Tony what are you-" he put his finger on my lip and told me to sh.

Did he just sh me?

"Dont sh me Dinozzo!" i shouted at him,

"Haha you never call me Dinozzo. Now seriously be quiet, i want to chill out for a minute."

He wants to chill out with me forcibly sat on his lap..

"Let me off your lap them." i told him,

"I warned you Ziva." He smirked,

"Oh tony. what are you going to do about-" i got interrupted by Tony's lips on mine.

I didn't reject, i didn't kiss back, i just froze in that very moment, but surprisingly the one thing i didn't do was push him away from me.

The kiss between us deepened.

I didn't understand why i hadn't stopped this?

Tony slipped his hand up my T-shirt, and began to massage my stomach.


No one had ever done this before, only my father wouldn't allow any of my boyfriends to do nothing but kiss me before marriage. I obeyed and respected his wishes..

Our lips finally parted,

"You're so skinny Ziva." Tony told me,


Someone bashed the car window.

That someone was Gibbs.

"You two get a move on! You're supposed to be working not making love. When we get back, we will be having a chat in my office.i obviously didn't make my rules clear enough." Gibbs informed us, he wasn't very happy with us.

I moved away from tony, and returned to my driving seat.

I hesitated before driving..

I made out with tony, he gave me massage... i didn't know how i felt about that.

I had to live with this now, i made out with my work partner who's a player, and i have to see him everyday.

He doesn't care about me, i was probably just a recent and a latest.

I let him use me.


We arrived at the crime scene, ducky and Palmer had already been to collect the body.

"You two are 45 minutes late." Gibbs told us with an angry look on his face.

I sighed,

"Don't sigh at me david, go do your work now!" gibbs shouted at me. "Dinozzo i need word with you. NOW!"

He's unhappy.

I couldn't focus on my work.



Gibbs wanted to speak to me, after he had shouted and Ziva This cannot be good.

We walked away from Ziva, clearly because Gibbs didn't want her to hear this conversation.

"Look Dinozzo i dont know what's going on between you and officer david, but it stops here ok?" Gibbs spoke in a husky voice.

"There's nothing going on between us boss..." i told him the truth, all we did was make out.

"Nothing going on? i saw you two making out! then you put your hand up her T-shirt. I don't want you messing about with zivas emotions and hurting her. She's already vulnerable enough as it is." Gibbs explained.

She could of told me to back off when we were making out.

But did she?

No she didn't, so its not just all my fault.

"Ok boss." I gulped.

"I will still be having a word with you and officer david in my office when we get back to recap the rules."

I groaned, and Gibbs walked off back towards the crime scene to Ziva.


I felt so bad for her.

I had let her down.



"Ziva, have you finished your work yet?" Gibbs asked me,

"Almost. i just can't find the bullet."

"Try harder officer david, at the moment you don't seem to care about your work." Gibbs told me, "you seem to care about someone, who doesn't care about you in the same way. Now officer david find that bullet or you can go home for the day." he seemed pretty serious, and those words hurt..

"O..ok boss." I stuttered, i really did feel like i was going to cry..

I can't cry here.

I retrieved the bullet, i guess Gibbs was right i wasn't trying hard enough.

I handed gibbs the bullet in a evidence bag,

"I don't want any funny business with you and officer Dinozzo on the way back. is that clear ziva?" Gibbs asked me whilst glaring at me.

"Yes boss." i replied,

I began to walk towards my car,

"Officer david, i want you and Tony in my office when we get back."

I nodded.

Then got into the car,

"Ziva..." Tony began a placed his hand on my leg, i hesitated for a few seconds..

"This cannot happen again Tony! did you or did you not hear what Gibbs said out there." I snapped at him.

"Sorry officer david. sorry for caring. i give up, i'm done." He folded his arms,

I started the engine and began to drive.

I didn't blame him, everyone walks out on me... I felt a tear drop slowly make its way down my face.

I sniffed and wiped it away.

We arrived back at the NCIS building, as soon as i pulled up tony left the car.

He said he cares, he doesn't?

I got into the building put my badge into my desk draw.

"Ziva, are you okay?" Tim (McGee) asked me,

"Yes tim. never been better." i slammed my desk draw shut and made my way up to Gibbs office.



I updated again :), im happy that i already have reads on my book, because usually it takes ages.

I really liked writting this💕📖

Next update today/tomoz.



Thanks <3

Freya xx

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