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I woke up the next day, with my quilt wrapped tightly around me. Then I heard the snoring- Tony, he's in my bed with me.

I sunk my head under the quilt thinking about what to do.

Then i realised, Tony was naked in my bed... i blushed, and quickly got out of my bed to realise i was half naked myself..

I quickly picked my T-shirt and bra up off of the floor and put it on, then i left my bedroom.

I couldn't help but think what had happened last night?


I made a mocha, and sat down trying to recap what had happened last night, but i still couldn't remember.

Then i heard a yawn, and Tony walked into my kitchen - still naked, and had a look in my fridge.

"Tony, put some clothes on." i told him,

"Oh, um sorry." he replied and went into the bedroom, then a minute later he came out wearing his boxers.

He sat down at the table next to me,

"We need to talk Tony," i began,

"We do indeed." He added.

"Um... what happened last night?" I asked him,

"We slept together." he smirked,

"Tony I'm being serious." I rolled my eyes.

"I can't exactly remember everything." he frowned,

"Tell me what you remember."

"Well i said something to you and you kissed me and cAme onto me. i wish i'd known what i had said it could come in useful." he grinned.

That cute paragraph about ziva- me.

"Continue, don't get distracted." i ordered.

"Okay so you kissed me, which lead to me taking your clothes off, then you took my only bit of clothing off, and you wouldn't let me take anything else- the last item of clothing off you. Then you started to teas-"

"- okay tony! i've heard enough i get the picture." i blushed, as i began to get slightly embarrassed about this.

"You are not a virgin Ziva." he told me,

"Am i not? how would you know?" i questioned him,

"I can tell by the way you acted last night."

"Believe what you like Tony. But Gibbs cannot find out about this, so that means no bragging to McGee/mentioning me." I warned him.

"Well McGee still has that wallpaper photo of you in your bikini." Tony smirked.

"I'm going to kill him."

"It was my amazing photography." Tony bragged,

"Well i'll kick your ass to." the smile wiped off Tony's face,


"-i was messing about, but interrogating you will be my job today." I joked.

"Okay ziva, i think i'll enjoy that." He grinned.

I think i'd better get ready for work..


I went into my bedroom, and selected my work clothes which i was going to wear today. Then brushed my hair, whilst applying the tiniest bit of makeup to myself.

I was ready for work, i hoped that tony was, because he had to drive us to work - left my car at the ncis building. i also wanted to get there slightly earlier to apologise to abby for being a cow towards her yesterday.

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