Double shift

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I did stay at tonys last night, um im pretty sure I did.

so that explains why ive woken up in my bed, at my place alone.

At least I can get to work untime today.

I got ready for work - my usual look..

then I left my apartment.


once I was at work I was instantly went to my desk - no distractions, i was there before everyone else.

No tony. 

i need to ask Tony how i ended back at my place last night..

I logged into my computer, so i could be prepared for what Gibbs would throw at me today, as soon as he gets out of that elevator.

The elevator beeped; McGee.

McGee came over and sat down at his desk,

"Hey Ziva." he smiled,

"Hello Tim." i returned the smile,

"So do you know where Tony is?" McGee asked me,

"No, should I?"

"Well if he isn't here within the next couple of minutes Gibbs will realise that he's late."


i generally had no idea where Tony had gone, its like he's disapeared into thin air.. i don't know?

Then Gibbs came up from the elevator, 

"ziva where is Dinozzo?"

"i don't know?" i replied,

"well you were last with him. So you can cover him by doing a double shift at work today." Gibbs told me.


I have plans! Abby arranged for all of us  to go out for a meal tonight including Gibbs , but it's a surprise, now does it even look like i'm going to bother attending? I have a double shift to work, great.

"Boss do you think thats fair? Tony is obviously running errands of his own and Ziva has to pay?" McGee tried to stick up for me,

"McGee are you questioning me?" Gibbs glared at him,

"No of course not."

He intimidates McGee loads.

"Good. Tell Tony to report to me when he gets here, but until then Ziva you will be covering Tony, so you have to do twice as much work."

The news gets better and better.


i decided to get on with my work, even though i had to do twice the amount of work, the quicker i do it the quicker i can finish my work and get it over and done with.

Then Tony came rushing up to his desk,

"Tony you have to go and see Boss," McGee informed him,

"Yeah i kinda gathered, and ziva we will talk later." Tony replied and went up To Mtac go and see Gibbs.

Tony's finally at work, do i still have to do his work for him? Gibbs never said?

why is he so late?

he owes me for putting extra effort into the job what he's meant to be doing. When you get a ob you should be responsible and turn up on time, and not two hours late leaving your colleague/ the girl your sorta secretly dating to do your work.

 i''ve been working hard for the previous two hours on a double shift because of him, i need to know where he's been, who he's been with.

I'm thinking the worst..

i sound like i'm jealous.



sorry i took a while to update been busy with my homework and stuff,. And sorry that this is really short and boring to be honest i didn't know what else to write i sorta had writers block dkdk. I will try to do more tiva in the next chapter no promises tho. I might start writting a Tony and Kate fan fiction soon... But yeah this is unedited, i've just finished writting this then posted it.

anyway thanks for reading <3

next update should be soon.. within the next week depending on how busy i am.


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freya xx

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