I love you.

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Tony has been with Gibbs for quite a while, i wonder what they're discussing?

Me? Maybe Gibbs saw us making out again or something... nah that's gotta be the worst case scenario.

Anyway me and Tony, we're not the only people who work at Ncis that are having an affair... Palmer and Michelle are having an affair , but no one knows about that except from me, because Michelle told me, and i promised i wouldn't say anything to anyone. Anyway it would just make me a hyprocrite, because i'm doing the same, except from me and tony we're actually co-workers.

I stopped working the double shift, which Gibbs had ordered me to do, i mean Gibbs is usually nice, but at the moment he's being kinda mean to me, and he's never mean to anyone except from Tony.

Then Tony came downstairs with Gibbs.

"Ziva and Dinozzo, Abby needs you in her Lab." Gibbs told us, i got up from my desk and walked next to Tony.

"Ziva we need to talk."

"in the elevator." i replied,

he nodded, then we got into the elevator, and i pressed the switch to put it out of action.

"tony what-" I got interupted by Tony's lips on mine, i hesitated for a moment before kissing him back - he caught me off guard.



i loved her, everything about her is perfect, and at this very moment i cannot stop kissing her, she's too perfect.

i got a little carried away, because i'm used to doing this kind of thing much sooner, but with Ziva it's different.. I began to undo her shirt buttons.. i felt her cringe, and then she broke off the kiss and moved away.

Maybe it's because of what happened in Somilia.. i don't think she ever got over that, and i don't blame her its not exactly something that you can forget?

"Ziva I'm sorry, i didn't-"

"-No Tony, don't be." she interupted me, and turned her back to me and pressed the switch for the elevator back into action.

"Ziva i'm sorry okay? I didn't know." i sighed,

"Tony. I do not want your sympathy." she snapped at me, and then stormed out of the elevator into Abbys lab.

i wanted to tell her i love her, i wanted that perfect moment. Maybe i could've had i back then.. But i messed it up. I love her and i want her to know that i love her.



i was in Abbys lab, helping her out with the evidence, even though she preferred to work alone, i think that she liked having our company, and she sometimes finds it hard to handle. Thats why she always has McGee in here, but i think there's something more going on between them two, just like me and tony.

Me and Tony, i don't know.. in the elevator i had flashbacks from when i was in Somilia the stuff the done to me, i am a virgin, i didn't lie about that.. But they still did stuff to me, and it makes me unconfident, so except from Tony, since then i've stayed well clear from guys...

Tony came into Abby's lab a few minutes later, with his hair ruffled.. i done that i smiled.

"Ziva?" Abby shouted my name,

"Yeah? what abby?"

"Finally you've snapped out of daydream land. I've been trying to get your attention for the last how long."

"Sorry Abby."

"Okay so we got a match on the DNA, you're not going to believe it.'' Abby told me. This i about the case which we are currently working, its complicated, very complicated.

"Get Gibbs."

"I've already rang him.. any moment now." Abby smiled, the the elevator dinged, Gibbs came into Abbys lab with her Caf-pow.

"Ziva and Dinozzo back to your desk." Gibbs ordered, we obeyed and took the elevator.

"Ziva look about earlier-"

"- Tony i do not need your apologises or sympathy its just me." I sighed.

"What is? i can help you ziva, help you through this."

Nobody can help me.

"You can't help me with this tony, but i appreciate you trying." i squeezed his hand.

"Ziva i care about you." he told me,

"I know, i know you do Tony." i whispered, and placed a kiss on his cheek, this moment was perfect, and i had a feeling that theres loads more to come of this.

All i need now is Tony Dinozzo to ask me to be his girlfriend.



I updated sooner :) i think i made this one longer i dont know though. hope u liked it i tried to include more tiva in this chapter💑💏💛💙💜💚❤💋

Unedited.. idk. next update this week sometime but i have loads of tests coming up so i have to revise so idk -.-.

Thanks for reading💕❤


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Freya xx

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