All alone.

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(Continued from the last chapter).


"So you it's your birthday tomorrow, right ZIva?" Michelle asked me,


"I've got you a present, but i'll leave it on your desk tomorrow." She told me,

"Oh put it under my desk or something, or Tony will start snooping about and stuff."

"He still does that to you?" Michelle frowned,

"Yeah, i don't know why?"

"He must really love you Ziva, well i've seen what he's like to you with my own eyes." Michelle claimed, right everyone says that..

"Yeah i wonder if he'll do anything special for me? Like for my birthday."

"He probably will, are you finally going to get laid Ziva?" Michelle playfuly mocked me,

"Hey!" i joked,

"I'm only messing with you ziva, it's good that you're waiting for the right guy. I wish i was more like you." She sighed,

thats not the reason why....

"MIchelle youu've kinda got it wrong..." I told her,


"Well it's not because i'm waiting for the right guy. No guy has ever wanted me, then i went to Somilia it scarred me, now i have Tony." I briefly explained.

"I don't believe you Ziva... Shall we go back to work? You seem happier and we're only an hour late, my boss will be fine, and Gibbs - he likes you, right?" Michelle asked me,

i wouldn't say..

"Okay, yeah he should be fine with it." I half lied, to be honest i don't even know what Gibbs reaction will be...


Michelle drove us back to the Ncis building, my eyes were still really puffy and it's quite obvious that i've been crying... 

We pulled up outside the NCIS building, and take the elevator up to where my desk is.

The elevator made that ping sound, yeah...

I walked towards my desk, Michelle with me,

"Ziva!" Tony shouted, and came over to me, before realising that i had been crying... "Hey what's up?" he asked me, whilst pulling me into a hug.. "Michelle what's wrong with Ziva?" Tony asked,

"its not my place to say, sorry." Michelle respected my wishes of not saying a word to anyone..

"It's good to see you've joined up Officer david, after over running your lunch break with Agent Lee, by 71 minutes." Gibbs came up to us with a cup of coffee in his hand.. "Care to tell me why?" he raised an eyebrow, well isn't it clear that i'm upset?

"Sir, no gibbs, sorry. Ziva got upset, and we went back to mine for a bit after." Michelle explained,

"I was talking to ziva not you agent lee! And you want to be relocated back to my team? You need to sort yourself out, because i'm not having you on my team like this!" Gibbs gave Michelle a disgusted look, aw... her eyes were all glassy, she was here for me, i'll be here for her. 

"MIchelle." I barely spoke, before pulling her into a hug, Gibbs isn't usually like this, he's only been like this since he caught me and Tony kissing in the car.

"Jethro, that is not a way to speak to speak to one of our agents! Michelle you can still be on Gibbs team if thats want you want? And pay no attention to Gibbs and can you come up to my office please? And Jethro i'll be needing a little chat with you later as well." Jenny told them,

"Yeah ma'am." Michelle replied, she sounds like she's going to cry.. Gibbs.

"Call me Jenny." She smiled, and then they took the elevator up to Jenny's office.

"Gibbs why are you so hard on Michelle? All she did was be there for me." 

"We're not discussing this now officer david, but you need to stop being late." He clenched his jaw, whats gotten into him? Ugh.

Gibbs walked away, "McGee i need you in MTAC with me." Gibbs ordered, great just me and Tony.

Tony came and knelt at the side of me,

"Hey Ziva, what's up?" Tony asked me, whilst placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Don't do that." I warned him,

"What's wrong with my beautiful ninja?"

"Don't." I growled, and stood up..

"No ziva, what's really wrong?" Tony asked me,

"Nothing, i'm fine." I lied, i only trust Michelle...

"Ziva, after work we'll talk." Tony told me..

Yeah whatever.


I done my work, sorta.. i lost focus sometimes, but  i got on with it... 7pm, time to go.

I didn't say bye to Gibbs, i didn't want to.. 

I quickly got into the elevator, i don't want to bump into Tony, i don't want to talk to him now, i can't and its for the best.

The elevator doors shut, and i left work alone. In the end we are all alone, no matter what happens.'

I drove home, i just want to lay in my bed... No tony.. but i have messages,

Tony: Hey Ziva, you didn't wait for me? What happened ninja aren't you feeling good? Sorry if i'm prying or pestering you.. i just care about you so much.xx

Thats when i done it, i sent the message which i would always regret sending..

Me: Look tony, i love you i really do... I've never actually told you, but the truth is... i don't think you should have to deal with my insecurites and my problems. You could get so much better than me, and i don't want to hurt you anymore than i already have. It's for the best Tony, i am so sorry, but i can't be the girl you want me to be...

looks like i'll be spending my birthday alone.



Im so sorry, this was actually unplanned.. Tiva break up. Will they get back together? What will happen? I took a while to update, i sorta had a rough week like yeah and i didn't feel like writting, but i updated because i felt like i should.

unedited i know...

~i have a new NCIS fan fiction called jealous; it's about ziva, she's engaged to ray, and Tony's in love with her, and it's set shortly before she gets captured in somilia.. but it has a slight twist.. it's ziva.. so can you please check it out, thankyou.~

thanks for reading <3<3


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freya xx

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