Apologises and talks'

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I couldn't speak to Jenny that very day she was too busy, what a fat lot of good that was!

She said i could talk to her tomorrow instead though.

I needed to still apologise to abby, and i'm going to do it right now.

I walked into abbys lab, she was sat on her chair waiting for a match on a finger print, she didn't have a coffee' or her music playing.

"Abby, i am so sorry about yesterday, its just because of recent events such as my father being-'' i apologised to her.

"- Ziva you don't have to explain i understand. and i've missed you so much." Abby pulled me into a hug.

"Abby i think i should explain for my actions." i told her,

"Nope, no you don't. i already understand okay? and i was kinda harsh to you anyway." she explained.

"I guess."

"What else is wrong? you seem kinda distant like something or someone else is preoccupying your mind." abby asked me.


I can't tell her not yet, i just need to see jenny now she said tomorrow, but i am going to tony's tonight, she may be free now.

"Nothing abby." i lied,

"Hm. doesnt seem like nothing, but if you ever want to talk about it i'm here and ready to listen." abby told me,

"Thanks," i replied and we hugged one last time, at least i thought.

"Why do you smell of Tonys after shave?" Abby questioned me seeming surprsied.


"-Oh my god, You and tony got together TIVA! i've always shipped tiva!" abby shouted,

"We did not get together! he just gave me a lift this morning." i lied, we done alot more than driving to work.

"Yeah yeah."

"Look abby i need to get and speak to the director, we'll talk later." i told her,

"Ok bye."



I walked up to the directors office, and knocked before entering.

"Come in." jenny said.

I think she's alone.

I walked into her office,

"Officer david, how nice to see you? i thought we agreed to talk tomorrow. As you can see i have heaps of paper work.'' Jenny explained.

"I know director, and i am sorry for that. But the thing is i need your advice for something, tonight." I told her.

"Oh a date is it? my advice, well im kinda honoured that you chose me out of all the people you could of spoken to. i am sure i can spare half an hour." she smiled.

"Ok, but can you please not tell Gibbs about any of this."

"If i feel like i should tell gibbs, then i will. Sorry Ziva."

"Its sorta girly though." i shrugged,

"Ok then i won't tell Gibbs. Begin when you're ready." she told me.

"Okay, so you have probably noticed that me and Tony always flirt, but until recently i just saw us as friends. But recently we've just found that we are making out with each other, and doing stuff what friends don't do? And i am very confused jenny as i am not used to all stuff from like when i was in israel and stuff. i don't know if Tony is just using me, because Gibbs doesn't approve and seems to think tony is no good for me." I explained.

"I think you should talk to him. and its not everyday you hear me say this, but it doesnt matter what Gibbs thinks or says its about you and tony and your happiness. I'm sure if you're both happy Gibbs will be happy." she replied.

"But Tony, he's a bit of a player.." i began.

"I've seen the way he looks at you ziva, and i think he really loves you." Jenny told me.

"ughh well until he tells me I will always have doubts." I shrugged.

"now thats understandable.'' jenny smiled.

"right well thanks jenny." I thanked her, manners dont cost anything.

"no problem you can ask for me advice whenever you want or need to."

"Okay, bye jenny."

"Bye ziva."

I smiled and closed the door behind me.

That was my problem solved but i still had a long night with Tony Dinozzo awaiting for me.



Back to schl- new timetable, changes i hate changes😒. This is the only one of my books i dont have writers block for😐

This is a really late at night for me to um yh.

Thanx for reading <3




Freya xxx

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