Coffee with lee

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I met Michelle at the stairs, and we both signed out for lunch.

"Hey ziva." she smiled,

"Hi." i smiled back, she gave me this look.. i don't know?

I am looking forwards to catching up with her though. We used to be like really good friends..

I don't think Gibbs likes her.. When we were doing knife aiming, she nearly hit Gibbs and he's just been like really funny with her since that. But it could be, because of other events that have happened...

I like her though, i just wish that we. We could be as close as we used to be.

We left the ncis building, and i drove me and Michelle to a decent, local coffee shop, i didn't drive like a ninja not this time.

We arrived at the coffee shop, got out of the car and entered the coffee shop.

"If you get a table Ziva, i'll get you a drink.. What do you want?" Michelle asked me,

"um a mocha please." I answered her question, and got my purse out of my pocket to pay for my drink,

"Oh no Ziva, don't worry about paying it's all on me." She told her,

"Oh um are you sure?"

"Yeah really it's fine." She insisted, she ordered the drinks about then and sat down opposite me on the table i selected.

Michelle passed me my mocha, "Thank you." i smiled.

"No problem, so how's life? How's everything?" Michelle made a conversation with me,

"Oh nothing new, you know same old.. what about you? Are you still seeing Jimmy?"

"We're together now, like properly.. but we don't live together, not just yet. I guess thats the next step in a relationship right? And i might be getting relocated back to Gibb's team, because he needs another agent and Jenny said that i should be the new agent, because i've already been on the team before." she explained,

"Oh right, well i look fowards to you being back on our team. You're a good field agent Michelle, but remember the risk." i reminded her.

"Yeah i know, and have you found anyone special yet Ziva?" Michelle asked me,

i took a sip of my mocha,

"No." I lied, i'm a good liar.. Mossad taught me to be a good liar.

Michelle gave me an unconvienced face,

"Okay then Ziva. We can go clubbing tonight then? I love clubbing! And you might be able to find yourself a fella." She smiled.. aw i know she's just trying to help, but i don't want to go clubbing, nothing personal to Michelle or anything.

I took another sip of my mocha, and didn't reply to what Michelle had previously said, i didn't know what to say...

"Look Ziva, i know. I won't say anything to anyone either, i promise." She told me, Michelle is so reassuring and such a good listener.. But what is she going on about? I hope it's not about me and tony, it can't be.. how would she know? But deep down, i know, i know it's about me and Tony it's the only thing it can be.

"I don't know what you're going on about." I lied again with no expression at all on my face, i needed Michelle to believe me, i don't want her to know about me and Tony, i don't want anyone to know about know about us..

"Ziva, i know you're lying. I've always known when you're lying, we used to be best friends before i got relocated, so don't lie to me ziva, i will always listen and never judge you just like before." She tried to reassure me.

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