Late, questions, confrontations.

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I woke up somewhat in the morning, i was laid on the floor, um? i also had a cut on my head... i must've hit my head?

I better get ready, i told Gibbs i would be untime.

I picked up my phone to check the time.

I had 9 miss calls



Its 10:51am, im nearly 3 hours late.. im toast.

I reek of alcohol.

My arm.

My arm is completely fucked, i think i over cut?


I rushed into the bathroom to clean the cut on my head, i had a massive bruise underneath, i don't remember it at all?

I was finally ready, i looked like shit, i looked rough.

Better get going. i'm already late enough..

I left my apartment and got into my car i found it difficult to drive, my arm; it really hurt.

I pulled up outside of the ncis building, Gibbs car wasn't there i guess thats a good thing?

I scanned my eye to enter the building, and took the elevator up to the floor i worked in.

No one was there; Gibbs, McGee, Tony gone. Probably investigating a case..

Its 11:30,im over three hours late, Gibbs is going to love me for this.

I walked into abbys lab she was there..

"Ziva! hey. whats up?" she asked me,

"Nothings up, i'm fine." i lied.

"Well Gibbs wasnt pleased you were late. And tony, well Tony. dont tell him i told you this, but i think he was worried about you."

Yeah course he was.


"Hm, well i've gotta match this dna - gibbs orders, we'll talk later," she smiled.

My invitation to leave? thanks abby.

I went back to my desk, Tony was now there, but Gibbs and McGee weren't.

*sigh* this should be fun.

I sat down on my chair at my desk, tony looked up at me, then he came over to me.

"Ziva." he began.

"Yes Tony?" i asked him with my eyes fixated on the computer screen.

"We need to talk."

"Here? now?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes here and now ziva."

"But Gibbs. someone could come back." i pointed out.

"Look the office is empty, McGee and Gibbs are at a meeting, abbys busy at her lab. Ducky and palmer and busy investigating a body which just came in from the new case this morning." Tony explained.


"So i thought about what you said last night, and i don't blame you for thinking that to be honest, but i meant what i said ziva, i-" he began.

"- no tony, it was me. all me. I was pathetic and horrible. I don't deserve you, i don't deserve anyone."

"You have to stop this ziva. You're perfect." he tried reassuring me.

"Tony what do you see in me?"

"Everything. Like i said you are perfect."

With that we started kissing, then he took my jacket off.. revealing my cuts which were sorta healing.

"Ziva what is this?" Tony asked me about my cuts,

"Its nothing Tony."

"Its something ziva! has it got something to do with why you're late?"

"Please stop with the questions about me Tony. Do you want me for who i am or not? because i have just about had enough of it all not working out." i explained.

"Of course i want you for who you are ziva!" Tony told me.

"Well then lets focus more on stuff working between us." i leant in to kiss him, he kissed me back, then the elevator made a sound.

We quickly moved away from each other..

Gibbs came out of the elevator with McGee.

"Agent david. Glad you could join us, so do you care to tell me why you are three hours and thirty minutes late?" he questioned me.

Me to answer honestly? i'd rather not, especially in front of everyone.

"I told her she could take the morning off." Jenny answered the question.

Thanks jenny..

I smiled at jenny, she smiled back.

"Ok, let me know in future Jenny, and ziva get on with your work." Gibbs told me.

He's not happy with me..

I don't blame him to be honest, i didn't do overtime last night and i was late to work.

I guess i better get involved with the others and investigate this case.

Do something normal, to make it look like my life is normal at the moment and that nothing has changed..



Finally updated :).

This is short unedited,boring and rubbish sorry..

I did try my best💯 ill try to do more tiva in the next chapter 💑💏.

Tony and Ziva aren't together properly yet, but they have something special building between them.

Next update soon? :)

Anyway, thanks for reading❤💕


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Freya xx

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