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Quick A/N

I have the best idea for this book! and you're all going to hate me for it.. But i can tell you that when i finish this book, there will be a sequel, i may do a trilogy it depends :D.


"I'm coming to yours after work." Tony told me,

"Good, i like you being there with me, but its not just us two anymore... so we have be careful about what we do." I pointed out.

"Get a babysitter?" Tony suggested,

"Yeah i could, but i don't know who?" i frowned.

"Well talk to Gibbs, im pretty sure that during work it'll be fine for abby to babysit her. And out of work ask Michelle? She seems to care alot for you (as a friend)." tony pointed out.

"I will have to check with Gibbs about Abby, and I'm sure Michelle wouldn't mind baby sitting sometimes." I shrugged,

"Well get her to baby sit tonight, because i want to spend the night with you again tonight, my beautiful ninja." he told me, before kissing me.

He makes me smile.

I love him.

I don't care.

I haven't loved anyone this much in my whole life.

"Ziva?" Tony mumbled,

"Yes?" I replied,

"I have an idea." He smirked,

"What is this 'idea'?" I raised an eyebrow,

"That we take our lunch break, and go to yours." his smirk grew even more.

"Thats a great idea Tony." I looked up at him..

"Boss, me and Ziva are going for lunch - our hour lunch break." Tony informed Gibbs.

"Sure, just bring me something back Dinozzo." Gibbs shrugged, Tony nodded, before walking towards the elevator, i picked up my coat before following him.

As soon as me and Tony got into the elevator, we began to kiss each other... I've never felt like this before.

"Come on beautiful." Tony told me, before holding out his hand, i held his hand and exited the navy yard.

We got into Tony's car, and drove to my apartment - There we could make love.


We pulled up outside my apartment,

"Well this should be an interesting hour, Miss David." Tony smirked.

We entered my apartment, i closed to front door behind me.

Tony started kissing me, before pushing me up against the wall, things deepened between us. I removed Tony's shirt, before wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Hey ninja, we're not even in the bedroom yet." Tony pointed out..


"Come on." Tony held my hand and led me into the bedroom where we kissed some more.

They ended on my bed, tony was on top... And one thing led to another.


"I love you Miss David." Tony told me, before placing a kiss on my neck... We were laid in my bed together, naked, with the quilt wrapped tightly around our bodies.

"I love you to, Anthony Dinozzo." i smiled.

Me and Tony just stayed laid in bed together for the next fifteen minutes, together in silence. I liked laying with Tony, in his arms... he makes me safe and like he actually cares about me.

"We have to get going, my beautiful ninja." Tony said in disappointment.

"Can we just lay here a little longer? I like it." I told him.

"You know Ziva, i would love to lay here with my arms wrapped round your beautiful body all day. But we can't because of Gibbs." he reminded me.

"Yeah i guess." i sighed, before getting out of bed and dressed again.

"Ziva, i want you and Daisy to move in with me.. My love for you, its just.. unexplainable." Tony claimed, then my lips were on his again..

Stuff we began to deepen between us again,

"We shouldn't Tony." I broke it off,

"Yeah we shouldn't, I guess we can finish this later?" he agreed, before kissing me once more.

I nodded.

We got up and ready, before leaving to return back to work.


Me and Tony arrived at the navy yard, and took the elevator, before sitting down at their desks.

"Have fun Ziva?" Michelle smirked at me, luckily Gibbs was down Abby's lab, but Tony heard.. he doesn't need a bigger ego.

I blushed, "I don't know what you mean Michelle?"

"Oh don't pretend like you don't know what i mean." She told me, before whispering, "Me and Palmer used to do it all the time, we still do."

"Michelle I-" i began,

"-She's just embarrassed.. she'll tell you every single detail when she's ready." Tony interrupted me.

I blushed.

"Im sure she will." Michelle smiled before getting back on with her work.

I liked me and Tony the way we are, together.


Sorry this is short and boring, but i just thought it was better update something, rather than nothing.

Its unedited to., At the start of this chapter i wrote about there being a sequel, because i have a good idea, one that you're going to hate me for👋.

Anyway thanks for reading💕


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freya xx

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