Great now everyone knows!!

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I spent the night with Tony yet i felt so alone and upset.. I love Tony, but sometimes I just feel as if he doesn't quite understand me.. Me for who i really am, the broken me which can never be fixed?

I sighed, before twisting and turning.. It was 3:02am.. I've been awake for the last two hours thinking about stuff.. My life,how much of a failure it is, and the worst part is that i've brought Tony into it all, and he doesn't deserve this. But i can't hurt him again, i love him too much to see him hurt like the way he did before. I just don't understand why he feels this way about me, ME of all people.

I hate this not being able to sleep.. I watched Tony earlier, he's such a good dad to Daisy, he's a better mum/aunt whatever you want to call it, he's good with kids, better than i am...

I just want to go back to sleep, but physically i can not.. i'm just here laid awake, great.

After several attempts, i must of gone to sleep, as i don't remember much more.. except from my dream, which was a blur.


I woke up before Tony like usual, and i had to go and get Daisy and make her some breakfast. It should be okay Abby looking after her for me, i know Abby doesn't mind it's just Gibbs.

I woke Daisy up, and told her not to talk loudly as her daddy's still in bed.. She sat at the little table and waited for me to make her some toast. She's actually so cute, i just think she deserves a better mum than me.

I sorted Daisy out, and put the tv on for her to be entertained, before going back into the bedroom where Tony was to get ready...

I got my clothes out of the waredrobe, before getting dressed.. I really don't take that long to get ready, litteraly i take about two minutes.

I stood looking at my reflection in the mirror,then i felt arms wrap around my waist..


"Hey ziva." He kissed my neck,

"Hi." i turned around to face him, before smiling.

"You okay?" He asked me,

"Yeah, fine." I lied, i never feel "fine" , there's so much stuff stopping me from being a normal woman..

"That's good then Zi," He kissed me on my forehead, "I'm going to get ready." He told me,

"Okay," I speak, just for the sake of talking i guess?

"You don't have to wait, if you need to go with Daisy, then just go." Tony shrugs.

"I'll keep that in mind." I mumbled, before walking out of the bedroom, and going into the living room where i had left Daisy.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked her,

"No, i want to finish watching this." She pointed at the tv, there was a animation on the television screen and Daisy seemed very fond of it.

"You can watch it later, i'll get Abby to put it on in her lab, what about that?" I try to bargain with her,

"No, i want to watch it now!" Daisy begins to whine.. I don't know what to do, i've never had to deal with a whinning kid before.

"We need to go Daisy!" I roll my eyes.

"NO!" she shouts. I put my hand over my face, i can't cope with this, i can't deal with kids.. It's just too much for me.

Then Tony comes in, switches the tv off, and carries Daisy over his shoulder and takes her out to my car, i follow him.. Finally i can leave for work.

"Thank you Tony." I thanked him for sorting Daisy out..

"No problem." He replies, before placing a small, soft kiss on my lips.

"I'll see you at work Tony." I told him, before getting into my car with Daisy, who is still slightly whinny about the whole situation, but i chose to ignore her and with that i drove to work.


I pulled up outside the navy yard in my red mini cooper, and let Daisy out of the car, before getting out myself. We both took the elevator up to Abby's lab, which in where i left Daisy for the day, and Abby done a huge favour looking after Daisy for me.

As I was about to leave, Abby stopped me... "Ziva.. You and Tony, that's so cute!" She squels.. My heart sank... How does she even know about this?

"I don't know what you're talking about." I try to brush off her previous statement, but with little success.

"Don't pretend as if you don't know what i mean. I saw you two kissing last night!" Abby pointed out, great.

"Fine. Did you tell anyone?" I asked her,

"Only McGee, but i think he's told Gibbs." Abby gave me a look of uncertanty.

"Great, thanks a bunch Abby.... Now everyone knows." I huffed before storming out of her lab, and waiting for the elevator... As the elevator made it's pinging sound, Gibbs came out and gave me the most coldest glare, before saying.. "I need a word with you and Dinozzo the subject is rule number twelve. When i get back from Abby's lab we'll be talking about it." Then Gibbs walked towards Abby's lab.

Great, can my day get any worse?



I wanted to update today, because i have four more parts remaining of this book, before i write the sequel. Ziva's and Tony's relationship is exposed... Abby, McGee, Gibbs and Mcihelle knows, Michele knew from the start because Ziva trusted her. But who else will find out? And will Gibbs allow them to be together? unedited.

Next update, during the next somewhen, yeah?

thanks for the 2k, it means a alot <3

anyway thanks for reading <3





freya x

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