dinner with the deputy director.

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the next day...

I was sat in the bullpen, doing my work but once again i could feel Tony looking at me, i swear he never does any work whatsoever and he always gets away with it.

"What do you want Tony?" I asked him, but i didn't once look up from my computer... Eye contact, it was just too awkward.

"You're not even looking at me Zi." Tony pointed out... Yeah i bet he's frowning about that.

"Because you're a distraction from my work." i replied,

"Am i now Miss David?" He smirked,

"Don't call me that!" I rolled my eyes.

Gibbs walked through the bull pen,

"Thats enough flirting, just get on with your work." He told us, oh so he's fine about the whole situation now?

I worked until it was time to go home, as tonight i had to go to dinner with the deputy director and my father.. My father, i have strong hatred towards him, he never bothers with me i haven't seen him in months ,he then just springs Daisy onto me, i like having Daisy, but you just don't do that...


Once i had finished work, i had to go straight to the deputy directors house, Tony was baby sitting Daisy for me.. I won't get to see much of Tony tonight, aw... I took the elevator with Tony and Daisy, we then exited the navy yard.. My family. I kissed tony, it was kinda passionate.. But not that much, i then said goodbye to Daisy and we went our separate ways.

I drove to the deputy directors house, based on the directions i was given he lived quite far away... I think i may be late to this dinner.

Traffic wasn't too bad for once.. So i didn't have to drive like a ninja today.

It took me around twenty minutes to drive to the deputy directors house.. I was finally here.

Anxiously, i walked up the patio and onto the steps, i then knocked on the front door and knocked it...

A woman answered, "Ziva right?" She asked me,

"Yeah, and you are?"

"I'm Jackie, Leon's wife." She told me,

"Oh nice to meet you." I smiled,

"Likewise." She returned the smile, i then entered the house.

My father was sat at the head of the table, and Leon was sat with Jackie on the otherside, oh so i'm sitting by myself.

"My daughter Ziva." Eli - my father came over to me, i moved away, i didn't want him touch me, him to be near me. He hadn't been here for me when i needed him, he left me to die in somilia in the middle of a desert, he could've called for help, but he didn't.

Leon went into the kitchen he then brought the food out.. I'm not hungry to be honest.

We all were ready to eat until my father interupted it..

"Forgive me Leon, as its your house.. But the blessing of what we eat." My father spoke out.. Oh please.

"Oh of course. It's hard to keep it all straight." Leon replied.

"Ziva always used to say the same thing, when she was younger." Eli stood up, "But the purpose of this tradition is to always remind us of what god has given us, life, freedom and family." He looked directly at me when he said family... I huffed, before stomping outside the house, i stood on the patio.

I phoned Gibbs.

"Ziva." He answered his phone,

"Gibbs, my fathers driving me nuts-" I began, but i then got cut off when multiple gun shots were fired towards me and into the house ,i ducked down onto the ground.

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