Anything could happen

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Gibbs had let me leave work two hours early, ziva was coming over tonight and it needed to be special.

I dont know what me and ziva are, what we could be, or end up being, but i know one thing i want to at least stay good friends with her, if not more.

Ziva is so beautiful, and yet she doesn't believe at single word of it, she should there's nothing wrong with her at all.

I still cant believe that ziva is a virgin and that she's never had a boyfriend, shes nearly 29...

I don't know what is going on, but me and ziva certainly need to chat.



I needed to see Tony, his desk empty; him not here, it doesn't feel right.

"McGee do you know where tony has gone?" i asked him, pretending that i don't care so no one suspects anything.

"I don"t know. i think he mentioned that he was having some tests at the hospital." McGee replied,

"Oh do you know if hes home later? its just we are working on this cold case assignment thing and-" i began to make up an excuse. Mcgee could not find out he would tell gibbs.

"- Ziva you dont have to explain, and he left early because he felt "ill"." McGee interrupted me, but answered my question.

"Have you spoken to abby yet?" i asked him,


"You should McGee, the longer you leave it the worse it will get.

He nodded and continued to get on with his work


i had cleared up loads of uncompleted work, so i could leave slightly earlier then at least Gibbs wouldn't have such a big problem about it.

i think he would have a bigger problem if he knew where i was going, who i was going to see.

i waited for Gibbs, to come to his desk probably with coffee' , because he always has a cup of coffee' where ever he goes , i guess it's a "gibbs thing".

Then Gibbs came out,

"um boss can i leave to go home now?" i asked him, whilst quickly picking up my coat,

"yeah sure." he smiled, "but why are you leaving so early it's only 7:30pm found yourself a life officer david? Or maybe perhaps you've found yourself a date, someone who's interested in you. Someone who isn't Tony Dinozzo." 


"i'm leaving early, because i'm really tired and i need to catch up on my sleep." i half lied, it was true i did need to catch up on my sleep, but i wasn't going to actually do that tonight was i? "And you honestly think i'm interested in Tony? Yeah we kissed.. etc. We flirt, it didn't/doesn't mean anything to me. we're friends thats all we'll ever be, so you don't need to worry." i lied, i was completely lying about all of that, i''m surprised Gibbs couldn't sense that i was  lying and if he could sense it, he was pretending that he couldn't.

"right officer david, your dismissed. I'll see you tomorrow at 8 O'clock. Don't be late Ziva." Gibbs wanred me.

um i could possibly be late,  well i could always get Jenny to help, she understands, she knows.

i left the ncis building, with thoughts on my head like: whats going to happen tonight? what will tony say? what will i say? will gibbs find out somehow? will anyone find out?

it's killing me, all these thoughts.

i got into my car, and went on my phone, i had a new message.

Tony: hey beautiful ninja! < you just blushed haha. Are you still coming tonight or have you ditched me for your handsome samurai fighter Mcgeek instead?x

i did blush..

he sent me a kiss aww, i think he'll be disapointed when he doesn't get one back. I don't send kisses to anyone.

Me: i am still coming, sorry i got caught up in work. No it's not an excuse Tony, i really did get caught up. Even ask gibbs, no actually don't, because you know.. Anyway i'll drive like a ninja and be at yours in five.

Tony: okay ziva, and don't i get a kiss back? :( x

me: No you don't tony.

Then i put my phone into my coat pocket, too much of a distraction. No tony's the distraction in my life, the big distraction.

i made my way to his house thinking.. anything could happen there.




sorry i took so long to update, i have just gone back to school and heard about what i have to do for my gcses when i'm in year 11 and have to start my coursework this year, i'm actually good at course work so yeah :), but it will mean i can't update as often.

i write the chapters shorter in this book than my other ones i don't know why, i just find it harder to add more depth and write more i guess?

i had to re write this like 5 times wattpad kept playing up on my ipod and deleting more than half of the chapter so yeah.

i'm happy with the reviews on this book at the moment :).

unedited soz.

thanks for reading <3


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freya xx

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