Unessary Recap.

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I decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator to Gibbs office, because i knew Tony would take the elevator and i just want to avoid him for now..

I walked up the stairs and made my way into Gibbs office, i opened the door, tony wasn't here yet.

"Officer david, where is tony?" Gibbs asked me,

"I do not know Gibbs, he stamped out of my car when i pulled up." i replied,

"Ziva, its stomped, not stamped." Gibbs corrected my english, "And i think he done that because he-" Gibbs got interrupted by Tony walking through the door.

"Boss, sorry i'm late."

"You seem to be making a habit of this Dinozzo. perhaps afterwards we'll have a little chat about this to?" Gibbs told him.

Tony rolled his eyes.

"Now, when you were both appointed as ncis agents, i went through a number of rules with both on you, now do we need to recap all of those rules?" Gibbs questioned us,

It was completely unnecessary.

Me and tony looked at each other,

"No boss." i answered.

"Well i think i should remind you of rule 12 - never date a co-worker." Gibbs gave us this look.

He doesn't think...

"Me and tony are not dating."

"Yeah boss, i have standards." Tony smirked.

I couldn't tell whether he was joking or not, but that little comment of his really hurt me.

With that i got up off my chair, and ran out of the room.



"What an earth are you playing at Dinozzo?" Gibbs asked me, seeming more angrier than before.

"I was joking boss."

"I think officer david took it seriously, and you seemed pretty serious too."

Oh so he's on Ziva's side now?

"Boss, i really was joking." i was telling the truth. Ziva probably knew i was joking and just wants a bit of attention.

"What so you were joking when you kissed her? You know Ziva's not used to all this love stuff." Boss told me something I never knew before.

"Boss i didn't mean about the kissing, that wasn't a joke." I gulped, i didn't want to get into this.

"Thats exactly what i'm worried about. I always used to worry about you and kate, but kate was different. Kate had dated guys, had boyfriends she knew what guys were like and how to deal with them. But Ziva doesn't." Gibbs explained.

"What do you mean Ziva doesn't? You can't be telling me that Ziva's never had a boyfriend." I was confused by what boss had told me, it couldn't be true.

"Its not my place to tell you any of her personal business Dinozzo, but lets just say that when ziva's father , Eli trained her to be a professional killer. He didn't think that ziva being in a relationship with someone was a good option whilst she was training - which was for most of her life. So don't go messing with her feelings Dinozzo, especially if you don't really want her." Boss spoke at me, all this stuff about Ziva, it was just too much to take in..

"Ok boss." i replied, and walked out of his office.

Did i really hurt ziva when i was joking?

I wonder where she is now?

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