Perfect family.

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Anxiously, i sat at my desk awaiting Gibbs to return.. He's going to have a go at me, this cannot be good. Hopefully it won't include anymore shouting, as i'll break down into tears right in front of him, but then again if i done that, would he stop being horrible to me?

Tony came over to my desk, and sat in front of it, looking into my eyes.. Great he knows somethings up, i just wonder how persistant he'll be about it?

"What's wrong ziva?" He placed his hand on my cheek... We're not meant to even be public about this relationship, but Gibbs knows so i don't think it reallly matters anymore.

"Nothings wrong." I replied, with a smile on my face; trying to assure him, but i think it failed, especially when he looked at me with uncertaintly in his beautiful green eyes.

"Ziva, don't lie to me... You know how i feel about that." He reminded.. The breaking up via text situation, because i don't want to be straight with him about what had happened in Somilia and in my past... Yet i can tell Michelle about it?

"I think Gibbs knows about us." I sighed, before looking away from Tony. Making eye contact is so intense for me..

"It will all be okay Ziva." Tony attempted to reassure me, then he placed a small kiss on my lips.. When we parted from one another, we heard a voice... "David, Dinozzo.. Well i guess it's confirmed now? Let's talk in the elevator now!" Gibbs ordered with a cold glare on his face...

Gibbs marched on ahead towards the elevator, whilst me and tony stumbled along behind him.. As i entered the elevator i felt butterflies flow inside of my stomach.. I feel shy?

Gibbs pulled the switch to turn the elevator off,

"Right, i'm just going to start." Gibbs began, "So i told you both this last time, when you assured me that you were both co-workers, but you're clearly not! Anyway when you were appointed as NCIS agents i gave you a list of rules.. There are many rules but the first twenty are the most important." Gibbs told us... Just get to the point?

"Yeah.." Tony frowned.

"So, when i caught you and Ziva kissing in the car.. and you, Tony touching her the way you did, i really didn't like that.. I didn't want to see Ziva be hurt by you.. especially with your tracked record. And Dinozzo, I know that you were sleeping with Kate before she got shot by ari." Gibbs glared at Tony...

Gibbs is on my side?

"Gibbs.. I loved Kate." Tony gulped.. Oh so he just causually has a crush on any woman who's his co-worker? Well actually i don't blame him, Kate was really pretty, prettier than me.

"Well if you loved Kate, why are you messing with Ziva?" Gibbs asked him,

"Boss... I said loved. Kate is in the past... Ziva is in my present. And me and Kate, We never had a chance of a relationship between us, as she got killed.." Tony sighed, i guess i'm going to have to talk to him about the Kate thing later?

"How is Ziva in your present Dinozzo?! You're only going to hurt her!" Gibbs shouted,

"I love her Gibbs." Tony shouted back.

"Well, Ziva.. Don't fall for Tony, his charm or whatever women find 'attractive' about him." Gibbs warned me.. I bit my lip.. I kinda already have.

"Wait.. You already have haven't you?" Gibbs looked at me astonished, "I thought you were better and cleverer than that Ziva." Gibbs shook his head at me.

I didn't talk.. I didn't know what to say.

"Well you've both broken rule number twelve and i'm disappointed in both of you especially you Ziva." Gibbs told us.

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