My place

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we pulled up outside my place,

"ziva, after everything what has happened today, it might be best if I just go home to my place." Tony pointed out..

"tony, please don't leave me." I barely spoke, I wasnt expecting to be begging tony dinozzo to accompany me.

".. okay ziva?" he replied seeming confused.

we got out of his car, and walked up to my apartment.

I unlocked the front door, and walked in, tony followed me.

we hung up our jackets, then walked through my apartment to the living room.

"do you want a drink tony?" I asked him,


"what do you want?"

"I don't know ziva, enlighten me." he grinned.

I decided to get a bottle of whisky out of the cupboard with two glasses, and took it out to the living room where Tony was sat on my sofa.

"wow ziva, you've definantly enlightened me. I never knew that you were and alcohol drinker?" he smirked.

"well you learned something new about me haven't you tony?" I replied, whilst pouring the whisky into the glasses.

we both drank our drinks straight away..


me and tony had now drank a whole bottle of whisky I think we are drunk? I feel tispy and Tony can barely walk.

"ziva.ziva.ziva. lets play truths?" Tony suggested,

"what is "truths"?"

"its where you ask each other questions and you have to answer them truefully." he explained.

"okay yeah. I dont mind playing that?" I shrugged.

"I'll go first at asking you a question. Have you ever been rejected by a guy?" he asked me, typical.

"no, I reject them most of the time. They have to be special." I truefully answered his question.

"nice answer ziva, your go to ask me something."

"ok, do you sleep about as much as you make out at work?" I questioned him,

"noo, its just banter between me and McGee most of the time, but I have been with quite a few girls." he was telling the truth, I could see it in his eyes.

"seems to you just asked me a personal question, I'll ask you one. Ziva are you still a virgin?" he stared at me awaiting a reply or reaction.

I felt my cheeks heat up, as they went bright red.

"I don't want to play this anymore Tony." I told him, whilst going to get another beer out of the fridge.

"ziva. I don't care if you are."

"if you don't care, then drop it." I rolled my eyes.



Me and Tony chatted for a little while longer,

"Tony, i'm tired." i yawned,

"So i take it thats my invitation to leave?" he assumed,

"No, i didnt say i was going to bed and that you have to leave?"

"So what you're saying is that you want me to sleep in your bed with you?" he smirked.


"-ziva i know that you didnt mean it that way, i was joking."


"So i'll leave and you can get your beauty sleep." he told me,

"You don't have to.."

"Aw you want me to stay Ziva?" he asked me,

"Well you're to drunk to drive." i shrugged.

"Hm, i guess you're right. i'll take the couch."

"No i will Tony, i can handle it." i told him,

"Aw ziva cares about me does she? Well you don't have to strain your back ill take the couch." He mocked me.


We ended up having a dispute over who would sleep on the couch and thats how we ended up both sleeping in my bed.

I slightly felt uncomfortable as Tony was only wearing his boxers, i was wearing one of my baggy T-shirts from Israel.

Tony was so drunk, he didn't even remember who i am, and that i was ziva his co worker.

"Want to hear a fairy-story cutie?" Tony asked me, he had started calling me cutie it was his new 'nickname' for me i guess.

I rolled over turned my back to him, "if you must Tony." i replied.

"Well there's this Woman, the most beautiful woman, who i love like nobody else, i cannot explain it. She is special and so important to me, and i guess i couldn't live without her. She barely notices me, she would never feel the same, nor care about me the same way. She kicks ass which is so attractive!" Tony spoke with drunk talk. "her name is Ziva david, and she's stolen my heart." he finished.

He didn't know i was Ziva and he had just told me all of this..

It didn't matter, i kissed him.

One thing led to another and that was it.



Hi guys sorry about the wait, this was hard to write sozzz.

I tried hard.

Skl starts wednesday that means i cannot update as regularly. um yh.

Thanx for reading,

Please: vote/comment/promote.


Freya x

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