Its not my fault!!

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I went to sit at my desk, i was hoping that i wouldn't see Gibbs especially if he had asked Abby about Daisy...

I sit down at my desk, and face fowards.. Opposite me, the man im in love with.. His piercing green eyes staring into mine, he's beautiful.

"Go on your emails." Tony told me,

"Will do." I mumbled, before logging onto my emails.

Tony: hey i hate the fact that you leave so early in the mornings.. It would me nice waking up to you laid beside me.. Ziva i love you, and i want to get to know Daisy we can raise her together. I want to be with you for the rest of my life xxx

I instantly blushed before smiling.. Why does he me blush every time? My hearts melting..

I replied,

Me: Aw Tony, thats so cute!! And you can move in with me anytime, whatever i don't care.. Well i do care, but you know... Anyway gotta solve this case Tony, bye.

I heard Tony's computer make a sound, the sound it would make if an email would come through. He's reading the email I've sent him..

Anxiously i stared at him awaiting a reaction.

"Beautiful." He mouths to me, i blush..

"Ziva why are you blushing?" McGee asked me, whilst looking up from his computer.

He's actually not down at Abby's lab for a change, well thats the first?

"Oh.. Tim its nothing." I brushed it off, i couldn't tell him about me and Tony..

"You sure?" He checks with me before continuing with his work.

I nodded, then Tim returned to his work..

Gibbs came walking through the office, my stomach dropped i felt it, literally.

Gibbs stopped in front of my desk, before glaring at me.

"Ziva, i need a word with you." Gibbs informed me.


Tony looks up at me..

"What about?" I frowned,

"Are you questioning me officer David?" Gibbs gave me that cold glare of his once again.

"Of course not." I quickly replied; feeling intimidated.

"With me Ziva.. Dinozzo get out with your work." Gibbs ordered.

"Yes boss." Tony mumbled.

Then i followed Gibbs into the elevator.. Im scared and worried, i'm actually shaking.

I stepped into the elevator after Gibbs, and he pulled the switch to turn it off.

"Right Ziva.. Who is that little girl in Abby's lab? Is she your daughter? How is this even possible? And why didn't you tell me?!" Gibbs shouted at me..

I can't respond.. I have an awful feeling that i'm going to cry during the process of even crying. Gibbs has been awful to me recently.

"WELL ZIVA? ARE YOU GOING TO ANWSER ME?" Gibbs shouted again, but this time much louder.

"She's not my daughter!" I barely spoke, i could feel my eyes watering...

"Then who the hell is she?!" Gibbs shouted at me again why does he feel the need to shout with every piece of dialog?

I felt a tear slowly make its way down my face.. This is not my fault.

"She's my niece Gibbs!! Not that you would care, no! You've been awfully horrible to me lately.. I don't know why or what i've done, but I've had enough Gibbs.. And at this very moment I'm considering handing in my resignation form!" I speak my mind and tell Gibbs what i really think before turning the elevator back on, and walking out.

I went into the female toilets, and looked at myself in the mirror reflection..

What the hell does tony see in me?

My eyes and red and puffy; I've been crying since I've left the elevator.. My hairs gone all messy.. My appearance currently is awful.

I got my knife out which i always carry along with me before cutting.. Its pathetic, but it helps.

Once i was finished i wiped away the tears from my eyes, and began to walk back to my desk..

I saw Michelle on the way, she stopped as soon as she had seen me, ugh..

Not now i thought to myself in frustration.

I just want to be alone, because besides everything.. I am alone.


Sorry this is short and crap. Ive had my english/literacy controlled assessment back today and i done absolutely rubbish and its knocked my motivation back and made me feel like im an awful writer..

Im so disappointed in myself ffs! Anyway i said i would update on. Sunday - sunday i was busy.. Soz.

Unedited, my spelling and stuffs shit i know.

A few chaps left then the sequel..

Thanks for reading





Freya x

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