Caught in the act

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"Woah, that was close ziva." Tony pointed out the obvious.

"I know it was, that is why i am going find jenny and talk to her."

"Alright then ziva."

Tony, my tony?

Are we together?

I will have to ask him.

I have trust issues..

I walked up to jennys office and knocked on the door..

Gibbs was in there.

Um, um..

"Officer david why arent you at your desk with dinozzo?" Gibbs asked me.

"Sorry Gibbs i asked officer david to come over. I needed to discuss about her father to her." Jenny lied, but she was a good liar..

"Okay bye Gibbs let me know when you've spoken to the fbi at mtac." jenny gave him his que to leave.

he nodded...


"so ziva I take it this is about you and Tony?"

"yeah it is its just so annoying! like last night we argued and then today we've been making out etc gibbs nearly caught us." I explained.

"it will be worth all the annoyance you and tony, you're meant to be, ive seen it from day one with my own eyes, that means gibbs has to. Look gibbs is only trying to protect you.. you cant blame the guy?" Jenny pointed out.

she was always good at giving advice, like really good.

"yeah I dont know, but I think I love Tony." I blurted, then blushed right after.

"is ziva david blushing? Ive never seen you do that before."

"I dont only tony can make me blush." I barely spoke.

"that proves my point. You're made for each other."

"okay jenny.. I better get on with my work, but thanks." I told her.

"okay, bye ziva. Good luck with tony." she smiled.

I returned the smile, then I left jennys office and walked towards my desk.

I want tony to be mine I... I love him ,I guess?

on the way I saw Tony at the bottom of the stairs.

"tony I-" I began to speak but got interupted..

"- stock cupboard." he told me whilst placing his finger on my lip and told me to sh.

I havent told tony I love him yet, I havent had the chance.

I want him to know I love him.

he pulled me into the stock cupboard..

"kiss me ziva." he told me whilst placing his hand on my cheek.

"um why do I have to kiss you?'

"because I want you to." he answered my question.

"its not a good answer is it tony?" I rolled my eyes and hesitated a few seconds before actually kissing him, but when I did..

the butterflies...




I feel so alive right now.



"We need to go on our first date." he told me whilst pulling away..

"No i like us the way we are Tony."

"We need to be together properly before we go any further Ziva."

"We do not need tony we have worked together for the last two years." i pointed out.

"So you just want a fling?" He raised an eyebrow.


"Well let me take you out then."

I just want to be in a relationship with him.

"Okay." i sighed,

"Is that not good enough Ziva? What do you want then?"

"Nope tony its fine." i lied once again,

"Kiss me one more time beautiful, before we have to pretend we're only co-workers."

I blushed, Tony smirked.

Then i done as he told me, i kissed him..

We didn't stop..

I couldnt..

It seemed like he couldn't.

Is this what love felt like?

Then the stock cupboard door swung open, damn.

Whoever it was they were now gone, but they had also caught me and Tony in the act.

I have to find out who..



Sorry i took a while. I kept going to sleep early nights i wanted to update💤


Its short again sorryy..

I tried to do more tiva in this idk😬

Hope u liked it💕💯

Thanks for reading❤


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Freya xx

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