acting as if nothings changed.

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Tony asked me to be his girlfriend, I'm overwhelmed , i really am.

"Tony I-" i began, ugh he's interrupting me again, he always does it.

"-ziva you don't-" he interrupted me.

"- Tony let me answer and stop interrupting me!" I half snapped at him, its really annoying being interrupted.


"Yes Tony, yes i will be your girlfriend." i happily answered his question.

"Honestly ziva, it means the world to me." he smiled, and squeezed my hand.



"I love you." i told him, then next thing i knew.. i was making out with Tony Dinozzo.

The moment is perfect.



I'm happy that Zivas my girlfriend, and i hope some day she'll become Mrs. Dinozzo.

The kiss deepened between my and Ziva,i was now shirtless and the process of taking her blouse off,

Shes still a bit funny about what happened in Somalia.. maybe i shouldn't.

"Ziva this isn't a good idea at the moment." i sighed,


"Because you have scars, scars which you won't tell me about and i need to know if we're going to be together." i explained.

"I'll tell you some other time." she half smiled.

the sooner I know I know the better, I can understand her more.. like the unknown parts of ziva.

its just difficult she doesnt want to say so I wont make her..



It was 5am, i was at work at my desk with my coffee'.. I was the first one in for work, i usually am work is my life.

Tony and Ziva, i'm worried about them at this very moment. I made up rule number 12, not to date your co-worker, because if you split up it could be awkward? there's loads of different outcomes which can come out of dating your co-worker, mostly bad ones...

The fact that i've caught them making out at work, makes me wonder what their doing when they're not at work...

Tony and Ziva, they could happen.. They could love each other, get married and have kids, i can picture it..

But there's loads of people including myself, who woud be against it, which would effect the happiness.

Thats what worries me.



i was smiling, something i didn't do for most of my life, but now i'm with tony i cannot stop doing...

I left Tony's last night and returned to my place, i don't like staying at other peoples apartments, i like to live alone.

Its 6:45 am, i'm bored and ready for work, i think i'm set to leave..

Tony's probably still asleep, he's cute when he's asleep.


I left my apartment and drove to work, the ncis building.

I like work, just the stuff what happens..

I still wonder about who saw me and tony in the stock cupboard.. but if they were going to say something i think they would've by now?

I'll find out who it was sooner or later...

I pulled up outside the ncis building. I grabbed my jacket, and then entered the building, got into the elevator and found myself at my desk.

I had a note on my desk..

Hey ziva i think we should catch up! i haven't had a proper conversation with you since for like ages! We used to be so close what happened? Anyway i'm free at lunch today so do you want to get a coffee or something and we can catch up? Let me know, thanks.

Michelle xx

I like michelle she's really nice, and i shall have coffee with her today, in fact i'll email her right away to confirm it.


Gibbs came out of the elevator with a cup of coffee, its probably about his 10th cup today,.

"Your early to work this morning Ziva." Gibbs pointed out,


He looked at the note on my desk from michelle,

"Agent lee asked you for coffee.. You're going?" he asked me,

"Yeah.. why?"

"Oh i just wondered, so wheres Tony?" he asked me another question.

In bed, getting ready.. i don't know?

"I don't know." i lied, sorta.. Gibbs looked at me unreassuringly, but nodded anyway..

I think he suspects.

So for now on i defiantly have to act as if nothings changed between me and Tony let alone the fact that we're now boyfriend and girlfriend.



sorry this took a while idk, writers block sorta😒. Next update should be within this week unless i get really busy.. Unedited so um yeah😬.

Thanks for reading💕❤


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Freya xx

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