I need to know.

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Who could it of possibly been?

i sighed and left the stock cupboard, tony was following me...

there was nobody around the area, outside of the stock cupboard area.

It could be anyone someone i don't know, but someone who knows me. The only people i really know/talk to are: Gibbs, Jenny, McGee, Abby, Tony, Ducky, Palmer, Agent Lee (Michelle) and thats it to be honest, everyone else i don't know.

"ziva." Tony began to call after me,

"Not now Tony," I continued to walk,

"Ziva! you can't just go round accusing people, then you'll completely bust us and gibbs will find out." Tony told me,

"You really think i am that stupid Tony? Yeah It looks like Gibbs is going to find out anyway." i pointed out, then i stormed off back towards my desk.

I sat down at my desk,

"Have a nice conversation with director Shepard?"Gibbs Asked me,

"Might of done, why are you asking me?"

"Oh its just jenny usually tells me everything.." Gibbs trailed off.


I don't think she would betray me like this.


I was still sat at my desk typing up a report on a case about some marine who had got murdered about his crazy ex wife..

"Officer david, where is Dinozzo?'' Gibbs asked me,

"I don't know." i shrugged, i hadn't seen him since earlier..

So i don't think Gibbs had caught us or he would've mentioned it?

Its difficult, because i can't go round asking me people.. what am i meant to say?

Yeah i'll make myself look like an idiot💯.

Tony came over to his desk and slammed his folders down.

"Dinozzo, nice for you to join us. So would you care to tell me where you have been for the last two hours? You have left ziva to do her work plus yours!" Gibbs had a go at him..

"I'd rather not say.. and ziva sorry i'll make it up to you." he winked at me.

"Not good enough Dinozzo!" Gibbs told him, whilst picking up 10 files he added, "you can sort these too dinozzo."

Well thats gotta be unfair.

"Ziva do you want to come to mine tonight?" Tony asked me.

I was a bit annoyed with him for earlier..

But my temptation has gotten the better of me.

"Sure." i smiled.


After a long day at work, i ended up at Tony's apartment, in his bed.

Tony had given me a lift to his place, then we went to his and he drank some beers and had too much alcohol to drive. I am shattered so i'm currently laying down on his bed, with him. We're dating sort of so its not that bad?

We haven't even done anything..

"Tony?" I began

"Yes beautiful?"

I blushed.

"So pretty when you do that." he told me whilst placing his hand on my cheek, and then pecking my lips.

"I need know who saw us kissing?" i blurted.

"Me to, and i've been trying to find out who it is, but i can't figure it out at the moment." he sighed.

Even tony doesn't know, and well he knows practically everything.


A/ N

Sorry i took so long to update i had a mini writer block.

i didn't know what to write for this part so thats why its rubbish and short.

So um yeah sorry its really short i didnt want to drag it out tbh.

Thanks for reading💕❤

Next update.. soon?



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Freya xx

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