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i went home that night, thinking about how i'm meant to explain my whole life issues to Tony, it's going to be hard, really hard. I don't know where to start, where to end.. i don't even know what to say? I can't think about anything, but this.. it's so irritating not being able to control your thoughts.

Tony though. I love him, i need him in my life, i can't go back to being alone.. if i go back to being alone, i think i'd just give up, like what's the point? Tony he cares for me, he would do anything for me, when i'm struggling to be straight with him about my life. That's how selfish i am.

I might drink some alcohol to be honest, i have nothing else to do.

As patheitc as it sounds, it would be so much easier to tell Tony via text, or get Michelle to tell him.. because i.. i just couldn't bring myself to tell him without my emoctions getting the better of me.

I still have the letter which Tony wrote me, i'm keeping it.. i might even frame it. It's just so cute and actually shows that he cares about me, then the present he got me it's perfect. I couldn't of asked for a better birthday present, wait i wouldn't ask for something that expensive anyway?

So many thoughts, thoughts about me and Tony.. i keep telling myself, what will be, will be.. but it's just not enough to go on, i wish i could just see the future, see what's going to happen between me and Tony. I don't want to say the wrong things, no..

I went on my mobile phone, hoping to see that i had a message from Tony, but nope. Nothing at all typical.

i'll message him.... i just feel like i should get this over and done with.

Me: Hi Tony, do you want to come over to talk?

he replied instantly, like within seconds..

Tony: Hey Ziva, and sure i'll be around right away :).

Well this should be interesting..?

I put my phone down, and sat on the sofa, then continued to drink the glass of wine which i was drinking, yeah i'm drinking by myself.. it's actually not that bad.

then my apartment door knocked..

I opened it,

"Ziva." Tony spoke, he hugged me aw.. then when he went to pull away he stroked my face down to wear i had the cuts on my face from last night.

"Tell me you didn't Zi." Tony sighed, i take it he's refering to my cuts.. when i done the ones on my face, i completely was not with it..

"I'm sorry." I looked away from him, and Tony finally walked in, then i could shut the front door.

"You done this because of what happened last night?" He asked me,

I didn't answer, *sighs* this is actually so hard... my stomachs turned and i don't want to speak about any of this.

"You going to speak to me Ziva?"

I don't know what to say, i don't know where to start.

"Look Tony, i am sorry, i really am." I paused, "I.. I just didn't know what to say? And last night that was a mistake, sending that message.. i felt so regretful afterwards, i can't even say Tony.. And i know i don't tell you this often, but i do love you. I want to be with you, i want to spend my life with you. I want to tell you all my problems, i want to tell you about my life and issues. But it's so complicated, like please understand, i didn't mean for any of this and you-" I spoke from my heart, and let my speech flow.. i just didn't care i was done hiding how i felt about Tony...

"- Ziva thats all i needed to hear." He told me, before pushing me against the wall, and crashing his lips against mine..

We somehow ended up in my bedroom, at this very moment everything felt right, everything was perfect and it made me more determind to spend the rest of my life with Tony.

I woke up somewhen in the night, everything was fine.. everything was pefect, Tony is perfect.

My laptop was flashing.. someones skype calling me?

Eli - my dad.. um this can't be good, i better answer it.

I quickly put my T-shirt on, picked up my laptop, and went into the living room.

"Ziva, my beautiful daughter. Still not found anyone?" My dad greeted me.. um, okay?

"Dad. why are you calling me? It better be important, it's 3:30am." I yawned.

"Ok Ziva, i'll get to the point. Well i've only just found this out for myself, but your sister Tali, she gave birth to a baby girl shortly before she was killed in that suicide bombing." He began, Tali had a daughter? What why didn't i know this?! Why didn't she tell me?! How didn't i notice? I felt a tear make it's way down my face. "She is called Daisy.. she's four years old, and well her guardian just died Ziva, so that is why i'm calling you to tell you, that Daisy is on her way to washington to live with you. Her flight lands at 6:00am." He told me, before hanging up.

This is just too much to process... so i'm going to be a mum to my niece?

I can't be a mum, i'll be awful at it.. i'm just shocked at how i never knew that my own sister had a child, but i'm not shocked that my dad has just dumped this all on me.



Okay, so i updated pretty soon, i only updated on sunday horray! So this chapter i don't know, i didn't plan it so yeah. It's also unedited so there's probably loads of mistakes, but yeah.

Please check out my new Ncis fan fiction its called ~ jealousy.. Yeah it's a tiva fan fic sorta..

thanks for reading <3




freya xx

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