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A/N: Hey loves! I'm sorry I haven't really update this week. With New Years just passing, I've been spending time with my friends, and partying, which is something that I really don't do often, so I was taking advantage of that. I hope you guys understand.

Follow me on my instagram @mimi_thewriter so I can interact with you guys, I've talk to a few of you guys on there and it honestly makes me so happy that I have so much support and people who love my stories. So I want to talk to you guys more. Anyways, on with the story!


How could she do this? Why would she do this? No answer would ever be good enough to excuse what she did to my sister, but I just had to know why

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How could she do this? Why would she do this? No answer would ever be good enough to excuse what she did to my sister, but I just had to know why.

I needed answers.

Then I was going to kill her.

I had fallen in love with her, trusted her with everything, I even lived with with her, just to find out that she's the reason behind why my sister almost died.

After Serenity, Harlem came before anybody and I'm pissed that I was blinded by pussy that I didn't notice her shady ways. I'm so fucking stupid. This is why I didn't trust women, why I never settled down, because the second I let a bitch in, she did me dirty and she showed her true colors.

I've never driven home so fast. I was on a mission. When I parked the car, grabbed my gun out of the glove compartment and got out off the car. I walked to the building, went inside and went up the stairs, because I was wasn't in the mood for waiting for the elevator.

When I got to my floor my apartment was on, I put the key in the door and opened it. I slowly walked inside, still holding my gun, seeing that all of the lights were off except for in the bedroom. I walked down the hallway and turned into my room and seen that Rubi wasn't in the bed. I looked into the bathroom and it was empty. When I looked in the closet, I saw all of her stuff was gone, and I saw that there was a note sitting on the dresser.

I punched the dresser, knocking down the things that were on top of it. I took a deep breath, and picked up the note, unfolding it, and started to read.

I'm sorry Brooklin.

Not for what has happened to Harlem, because she deserved everything that has come to her, but for how it hurts you. I have to admit that when we first started dating, I didn't have pure intentions. I thought that if I had gotten close with you and started a relationship, it would be easier to take Harlem down, and it was. You don't understand how much damage your sister has caused me in my life. She took the man that I loved away from me, took my child away from me, got the father of my child sitting in prison, for God knows how long. Even in our relationship, even though things didn't start off real between us, you would chose Harlem over me, and it would hurt me.

That's when I realized that I wasn't pretending with you anymore. I had developed actual feelings and love for you, and you made me feel a way that I haven't felt in a very long time, but I knew that I had to do what I had to do, to get that revenge. That's why I'm writing you this letter now, so you can understand that every time I've told you that I loved you, I meant it. I appreciate everything that you've done, and the way that you loved me was incrediable. I'm sorry that things had to end up this way, and there's no turning back down.

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