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"Are you ready to go, babe?" I heard Dave ask and I sighed, nodding my head

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"Are you ready to go, babe?" I heard Dave ask and I sighed, nodding my head. I was nowhere near ready to, and I really didn't want to, but I had too. I looked in the mirror one last time, before standing up from my vanity. Dave grabbed my hand and we walked out of the room, through the living room and out the door. Dave held me close to him, as we went down the elevator. We got to the car and he started it and he started driving.

Kairi was visiting her mom at the Rehab center, with a CPS case worker, supervising the visit. It was only until we got back from what we were doing today.

I laid my head on the window, with my eyes closed, just thinking about everything that has happened in the past year. I sniffled, wiping the tear that had fallen, and I felt Dave put his hand on my thigh and squeeze it.

Things were just so shitty, I wasn't sure how to handle all of it. Especially since last week.

I was crying so hard on the way to the hospital, I felt extremely light headed. I felt goosebumps all over my body as we took the elevator down with the nurse, to the morgue part of the hospital. When the doors opened, Dave and he nurse started to walk to walk out, but I stood still. I couldn't bring myself into that room, because that meant that all of this would be really happening and I didn't want to accept that. I couldn't.

"Harlem..come on baby." Dave said, grabbing my hand and gently pulling me out of the elevator. We slowly followed as the nurse led us to the room I was dreading going into. The nurse opened the door and I took a deep breath, before walking into the room. I stared at the table with a sheet, covering the body underneath it.

"I understand how hard this is, coming to identify a loved one. You're very strong for coming to do this, especially on such a short notice." The nurse said, but I wasn't really paying her any attention. I was staring at the table. "Just let me know, whenever you're ready." I looked up at Dave, and he was staring at the table too. I looked back at the nurse and I nodded my head. She removed the sheet and I knew on the outside I looked neutral, but on the inside I felt like my body was going collapse.

"He was found dead in an alley, a couple gun shot wounds to the back. We believe that he died about 6 hours ago, so he's just been there waiting to be found." She said and I nodded my head, turned around and walked out of the room.  Seeing him like that, hurt so much. It was like in the dream I had when I was feeling the pain that he did. It was such an odd thing.

Why, Brooklin? Why did you have to take him, God? I know everything happens for reason, but he didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to go, at least not yet. He has a daughter that he's never going to see grow up. Serenity was never going to know her father. As much of an idiot he was and immature he was, he had good intentions and he loved her so much. I knew exactly how she was going to feel when she grows up to be old enough to understand why he father was taken away from her, because I went through the same exact thing. It's not fair.

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