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I sighed grabbing my purse, and getting out of the car

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I sighed grabbing my purse, and getting out of the car. I opened the backseat door and took Kairi out of her seat. I locked the car door and walked towards the apartment building, and pressed a button, ringing Erica's apartment.

After a few seconds, I heard the building door unlock and I opened the door and walked inside. I walked up a few flights of stairs and when I got to the floor, I knocked on Erica's door. The door opened and I was instantly pulled into a hug. We haven't seen each other since the funeral, and we haven't talked since I called and told her that Brooklin was dead.

I finally walked into the apartment and she closed the door and I looked around the apartment. "Where's Serenity?"

"She's in her room asleep." She said and I nodded my head. "I'm gonna go lay her down in the bed." After the shooting, when Erica was helping Dave out with Kairi, she ended up buying a bed and putting it in the room with Serenity.

After laying Kairi down, I walked back into the living room and saw that Erica was pouring us glasses of wine. I sat down on the couch, next to her and we just looked at each other. She looked different. At first glance, if you didn't know her, you would think that she looked just fine and that nothing was wrong with her. But I've know Erica pretty much my entire life, and I knew she wasn't okay.

"I know it's been a while since we've talked or seen each other." I started to say, while looking down. "I'm really sorry I haven't checked on you, things have just so hard and I wasn't dealing with it well myself, so I didn't want o make things worse." I said, and she sighed, shaking her head.

"You don't have to apologize. I wasn't expecting you to be in the mood to talk, because I wasn't in the mood to talk either. I should have checked on you honestly. Brooklin was your brother and you didn't get the chance to see him before he left, because you were in the hospital." She said, before take a sip from her glass.

"But I know how you felt about him, E. You were in love with him, and he's the father of your daughter. We're going to have Serenity in remembrance of him everyday for the rest of our lives, so we can be grateful for that." I said and she nodded her head, looking away from me.

"I did something, bad Har'." She said and I raised my eyebrow, looking at her. "The night that he found out that Rubi was behind everything, he came over. He said he wanted to see Serenity before, because he wasn't sure how long he was going to be gone, or if he was going to come back at all. I tried everything I could to get him not to go, at least until you woke up, because we all know, Brooklin makes irrational decisions when you're not around. I told him to just stay the night and thinks things through, before he did anything, and he agreed. Somehow we started talking about us, and he told that whenever he got back, he was going to try to have us be a family. I was so emotional, with you being in the hospital, and finding out that girl was behind everything, I wasn't thinking straight, so I was falling for it hard. One things lead to another and we ended up having sex.

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