~New Years Day Special~

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"Pop the damn wine already!" you smirked, already plastered out of your mind. The Daedric Prince before you, Sanguine, dressed in fine robes and in daedric form took no longer than a few seconds to open the bottle and pour you a near-full glass along with himself.

Lakeview Manor was most certainly a good place to celebrate your accomplishments in the form of daedric company because this was about to get loud.

There's a reason you called the most ridiculous, unpredictable Daedras to your home in the middle of the night, after all.

To get plastered, and have fun.

"Shoe, stop eating all the mortal's cheese!" the horned prince barked, his midnight skin lit by the candles in the room and a few candlelight spells you'd casted before inviting guests. The Daedra took a long drink from his cup moments after.

Sheogorath emerged from the kitchen behind you, grumbling as he took a seat next to you. After taking a rather large sip of the sweet but bitter berry wine, you fixed the uneven collar of his suit.

Even if the suit he wore was already two completely different colors, (purple and orange), that didn't mean it could be untidy. Well, it bothered you in the first place that it was two different, contrasting colors, but it fit Sheo.

"Why thank you, fair lady!" he exclaimed with a beam, a single piece of gray hair falling on his forehead. You gave a flattered gesture in response, so stupid you could only do it drunk without feeling embarrassed.

Sanguine flicked his fingers and another golden, wine-filled goblet appeared in front of Sheogorath.

"Oho, ____, would you care for a bet?" Sanguine grinned, and you dramatically gasped.

"I would be delighted!" 

"Whoever can finish a full glass of wine first gets something. I want a dance if I win." he stated.

You hummed, "I want a goat. I like goats."

"Deal! Sheo, count us off, will you?" the Daedra grinned, clapping as both your goblets were refilled in a plume of black smoke. 

"Right! 3, 2, 1, cheese!" the prince of madness cackled while you two had started chugging the liquid in your cups.

You were the first to finish surprisingly, Sanguine's yellow eyes falling in disappointment when he found you had already finished your wine.

"Goats for me!" you cried triumphantly, throwing your hands in the air.

"And cheese! Don't forget the cheese!" Sheo cut in sternly.

You both burst out in uncontrollable laughter as you fell off your chair to hysterically laugh in a ball on the floor.

You have to love Daedric Princes when you do things like this.

'''''''(Ps. it's pronounced 'Macker'. You'll understand in a sec.)'''''''''''''''''

"Mercer! Bet I can have you on the ground in a brawl! If I win, you have to drink with us!" you challenged, stone cold sober as half the guild cringed behind you. Delvin was barely holding back laughter, Brynjolf looked like he had just seen death, Vex was facepalming, and Sapphire was forcing a smile.

The rest of the members were still drinking in the Flagon. 

Glaring, the Breton glanced up and scowled before focusing his attention back on the paper on his desk. "No. Shoo, you drunk," he muttered.

You grinned, cocking a hip to the side and leaning on his desk, cleavage visible from your tunic hanging. "I'm sober. C'mon, I won't leave you alone until you get your arse out of that chair!"

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