Mercer Frey x Reader ~Constructive Rehab (2)~

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The instant you'd stepped foot in the Ragged Flagon, the former guild master painted in newly accumulated bruised behind you, every member in the makeshift tavern had frozen.

"Lass?" Brynjolf questioned, wide-eyed across the small underground pond.

A little wave was your response and Mercer mumbled a string of curses, leaning heavily upon the wall.

It was difficult to tell whether Brynjolf was proud, worried, or livid.

"He'll be fine. Funny thing is, he's been demoted quite profoundly. The only reason he's here is that he's an able thief, and we can use good hands. I plan we give him lots of jobs, and I do mean a fair many. Once he repaid all that he stole, we kill him or ship him across the border. Sound fair?"

Delvin stood, "Are you trying to get us all killed?" 

There was a roll of your eyes. "I'll handle him. What I have learned about Mercer is that he is a lot of barks, and not a lot of bites. For me, anyway. I play rough."

"I hope you die," Mercer seethed behind you, the growl low and strained. You turned your head slightly with a frown.

"You know, that's not very kind," you pointed out quietly, "but if it makes you feel any better, I hope you drown in your own blood."

He glared, the wrath in his eyes flaring.

"____, if your playing with fire, don't you dare aim it at us," Vex warned. "One wrong move and I'm slitting his throat."

You nodded. "I won't let him near any of you unless someone decides they want a chat. Honestly-"

Shooting to the side to avoid the fist being thrown at you, you caught his wrist and snapped it. He bit back a hiss of pain and retreated.

"Rude." you muttered with a chiding look before tossing your head towards the guild members, "Anyway, I'll set him straight and he won't come down here- ever." 

You took a pause before continuing, confident, "Bryn, I know you're terrified of fucking up, but I think you can be a great Guildmaster."

He visibly was taken aback, "What?"

"You're the Guildmaster, good luck, have fun, don't go crazy," you smiled brightly, flicking a thumb up in encouragement.


"Why are you healing me?" Mercer mumbled quietly, shaking his head as you expertly wrapped a bandage around his wrist.

Getting him plastered was a great idea on your part, being otherwise he'd be attempting to break your neck.

It was a few days after you'd come back with him, and you'd sent a letter to Karliah to tell her how it all went. Also, Brynjolf was doing an excellent job of running the guild.

Mercer had been locked in his former home that you now claimed as yours.

"I need you to start doing jobs and making money," you stated quietly.

He huffed. "I can do that easy enough."

"Uh-huh. When you're not drunk, you're not nearly as friendly."

"I know," he murmured. "Believe it or not, when I first joined the guild, I never wanted this. I- uh, I shouldn't be saying a word of this."

You quirked a brow. "Because I won't take a word you say as truth?"

He nodded but continued anyway as you moved to the barely scabbed wounds on his arm.

"I was always mad at Karliah and Gallus for being so laid back, so confident with their lives. Had I the chance to go redo it, I would've jumped off a cliff before I killed Gallus."

"Some regrets?"

He snorted. "Thousands and thousands."

"This is your chance to at least try to restart, you know that right?" you commented.

"I don't deserve a second chance."

"For sure, but I gave one to you anyway. What you choose to do with it is up to you."

He was silent for the following minutes, tense.

"All of the Guild's treasury I put in a secluded part of the Ratways. I didn't spend it all, I just made it seem like I did to make Gallus suspicious," he blurted.

You sighed.

"If I even tried to trust you on that, do you know the likely hood for me that you're lying and trying to lead me to my death?"

The man grimaced, "I know. It doesn't look that good."

"Tell me honestly, Mercer," you muttered, pausing, "did you seriously not spend all of the Guild's money?"

"Yeah. When you joined, I took the money I'd been taking and put it in there. You've been a Guild member for almost a year and a half, and I've been trying to stop being a misguided shithead since you finished Goldenglow."

"You wanted to get framed?" you questioned hesitantly, brows furrowed.

"I didn't care, honestly. I don't know what happened, but I didn't give a shit whether I lived or died. It was all just something to make me feel something other than anger, I guess."

"You're lying to me."

A firm voice, sure and convinced. Your face was cold, unreadable, and you went back to treating wounds.

"Fucking hell, I thought I'd sold it for sure. What got me?" he inquired.

"You said the word, 'feel,' and that is most certainly a woman term."

"Next time, I promise I'll kill you," he stated earnestly.

"You just might."

"Serious question, which is worse, drunk me or sober?"

"Drunk," you answered instantly. "You fuck around with my head. Sober Mercer is just pissy and touchy. Seriously, Sober is the physical abuse, and Drunk is the emotional abuse. Marrying you would be a disaster."

He chuckled. "Try it, I might surprise you."

"See, fucking with my head again. Stop it, you twat."



Mercer is seriously unsettling in the last part.

It creeps me out, how easy he just did a 180 turn.


He is just an ass to write sometimes lol, but thanks for the request, @AnabelleWan

We love a sister speaking out <3

(ew never again)

Any more requests?


Dani out,


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