Cicero x Reader ~A Hunter's Chance~

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You cursed heavily, head pounding and abdomen slowly leaking blood as you limped down the trail with your hand firm upon your stomach to keep pressure.

Instead of getting the deer you'd been tracking, you got a feasting and ravenous bear. The animal had gotten to the deer first, and damn were you angry about it, foolishly trying to attack it and sourly regretting it.

You blinked the black dots out of your vision.

The night sky twinkled above you, steady and calm, while you spotted a campfire in the near vicinity. Determination blossomed in your chest, adrenaline numbing the nasty wound that slashed across your lower torso as you winced.

You prayed to all the gods worth that whoever had lit that fire wasn't someone who was ready to kill you just the same as that bear. Really- you were surprised you even shot at it in the first place. It was unlike you to act so impulsively.

Well, you certainly learned your lesson. If anything, you were just as angry at the bear as you were at yourself, something that you knew you did more often than not. This time, it was deserved.

At the sheer amount you beat yourself down, possibly not, but you'd do it anyway. Honestly, after living alone for such a long time, it was almost routine to bicker with yourself, as insane as it sounded.

Whiterun Hold's mountains were home to many a hunter, it was a fact that some were actually out of it, and others just very anti-social.

You considered yourself a bit of both, though you'd never openly admit it. 

With a grunt, you finally reached eyesight of the campfire itself, a man's voice reaching your ears not to look either as you continued to approach closer.

"Dear mother, Cicero forgets how cold the mountains are- so cold!" came the huff, and internally, you groaned.

A batshit merchant. Just what you needed.

"Oi," you called hesitantly, "do you have any bandages? I had a run-in with a bear."

You shimmied out of the trees and into the clearing, coming face-to-face with a man dressed as a jester with a cart nearby, the horses that would pull it quietly munching on half-way frozen mountain flowers.

Personally, you'd quickly gotten used to the slight chill of the mountains, embracing it, but not underestimating it. This man seemed to be out of luck- but at least he had enough sense to light a fire.

He quickly turned to the sound of your voice, expression changing from offended and angry to a wide grin.

Good gods above, this man was scary.

"Cicero can help the huntress, yes he can. Wait!" he barked, abruptly getting up from the ground and skipping over to his cart, meanwhile leaving you awkwardly standing, attempting not to fidget.

He came back moments later with a bag of supplies in hand, cheerfully humming a tune as he gestured you over, friendly and inviting.

"Now, what did the little huntress get into?" he murmured as you carefully walked over, a bedroll laid out nearby.

He jutted his head to the bedroll. "The lady must lay down."

You frowned, getting rather bad warnings from your inner instincts, but going along anyway and cautiously laying yourself down on the furs.

Before he asked, you flicked up your stained tunic, knowing full well your torso must've been covered in blood. However, the strange man didn't seem to even hesitate, merely scooting closer and inspecting the 3 slices.

"Cicero will have to stitch them," he stated, meeting eyes with you.

You sigh, but nod. "Please, just, uh... make sure your things are clean. And be quick."

"Cicero has never needed to use this kit- he never gets hurt! But, Cicero knows how to use it, and Cicero can be fast!" he assured cheerfully, rummaging through the bag as he babbled, and you attempted to keep yourself in focus, knowing the pain ahead wasn't going to be pleasant and preparing yourself.

The first prod of a needle came as a surprise, and you nearly yelled out of the pain it brought, grabbing a fist-full of dirt instead and biting your tongue.

The following moments were all a blur as you hazed out of consciousness, the soft lull 0of the jester's hum keeping you just barely awake.

Before you knew it, he was carefully wrapping the cloth around the large wounds, easily lifting you so he could do as such.

"There!" he exclaimed, "The Huntress is good as new! Cicero hopes she will say her name?"

"____," you answer quietly, eyes shut, "thanks, Cicero."

He clapped. "Cicero is most humble to help, miss huntress!"

"I owe you one."

'You most certainly do owe my dear keeper, ____.'

You froze.

"What the fuck-"

'Tell my dear Cicero this: 'Darkness rises when silence dies,'' came the same woman's voice, haunting and completely unlike your own as chills wracked your body.

You were damn near about to scream your head off- had you lost it? Gods above, surely-

"____? The huntress is scared of Cicero so suddenly?"

You sputtered for words, only able to come up with what you were told to say. "Darkness rises when silence dies?"

He went silent.

Then, he jumped up, giggling in childish glee and cheering.

"The listener! Oh, how Cicero has waited for you! We must go to the Brotherhood! ____ is the listener! A joyous night it is!"

"What?" you barked, flabbergasted.

The hell was going on?


AYYYYYYYYY- I didn't think I'd be able to update tonight, but here I am!

We got a chapter for y'all, even though I have tons of homework and murdered my leg by slipping on ice and landing on gravel.

It's almost worse than it sounds.

Like- 20 tetanus shots in your leg kind of ouch.

Anyway, enough of my whining lol.

@-_-_DeMoN_-_- your request has been fulfilled, my dear! Thank you!

Part 2?

Any other requests?

Les Miserables is calling my name- I'm pumped to watch it again :)

Dani out,


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