Teldryn Sero x Reader ~Caves~

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"Teldyrn!" you screamed as the tall, lean dark elf was slammed to a stone wall, eyes wide and terrified. A choked groan of pain echoed in the cave seconds later, and then a loud growl.

The huge dragon turned to you, tail whipping around in challenge as fury grew ahold of your veins, the grip on your sword tightening. Its thunderous footsteps rang in dark open cavern, shaking the very ground it walked upon. 

Your heart raced and your blood pumped, rage fueling the adrenaline in your body as you drew your sword.

The beast's roar shattered your ears as you charged the damn thing head-on, the whirlwind sprint shout erupting from your lips while you narrowly missed hitting the dragon's front left leg. You came to a halt under its unprotected underbelly, sword slashing vigorously as a booming cry erupted from the creature.

Effortlessly and coated in blood, you rolled out from under the dragon as it fell, gasping and eyes flickering a brilliant yellow before turning to their original color.

While the dragon's soul flew from its body, you rushed over to your companion and nearly started to cry right then and there.

His helm had been knocked off in the collision, and most of the dark elf's armor was in shatters, breathing shallow and faint. His eyes were barely open, and his eyebrows were clenched in his agony. Blood pooled behind his head, making a small puddle. Not only that, his hair was totally messed up, coated with blood too.

"Don't you dare die," you murmured, frantically casting a healing spell to repair his no doubt broken ribs and scraped scalp. A mumbled grunt was your only response, his red orbs flickering on you then being covered with an eyelid.

Your hands shook as you cast, eyes tearing up in your worry. Your magica slowly depleted, and you barely had enough to fully treat him.

Everything crashed down at that moment, and you couldn't stop the wave of emotions that slapped you in the face.

"Gods above," you whispered, hunched over him as tears dripped down your face. "I thought I'd lost you."

He, despite what had just happened, only raised a brow and rolled his eyes. "And that would affect you so much because? Dragonborn, you could've left me to die."

You didn't respond, only moving your hand to rest on your forehead as you continued to quietly sob.

He started to sit up, only to take a sharp intake of breath as he observed your posture and twisted himself around. Absent-mindedly, he wiped the blood off the back of his head before wrapping his long arms around you.

"I didn't know..." he started awkwardly, quiet, before giving up with a muffled groan as he planted his chin on your shoulder.

You'd never been this close to him before.

He smelled nice, you noticed. Almost as nice as he was.

He didn't ever chastise you. Sure, he'd taunt and tease, but he'd never downright insult you. 

Not like everyone else.

"You've been the only person I could rely on, Teldryn. I fucking bought your help, but you are more trustworthy than anyone else I've ever met." you choked out.

"It's in the job, hun. However, after a year and a half, I don't really want to be paid to be by your side. I'd do it willingly, along with not be a two-faced twat." he assured lightly, breath just barely hitting your ear, and you twisted your face around, cheeks stained and eyes irritated.

"You're serious?" 

"Well, I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." he stated, giving you an incredulous look, "Now, can we go get the money for this idiotic dragon bounty? I simply despise caves."

You laughed softly, and he huffed, bringing a hand to lightly sweep your face clear of any tears before your face lit up in a bright pink flush.

"Are you okay? You look quite red, there, ____." he teased with a grin, standing up himself before also tugging you up by the arm.

A shriek escaped your mouth as you flailed, upright. "Your hands are cold!" you accused with a glare.

The same devious smirk was on his face, "And yours are warm. I think I just might steal them." 

His hand wrapped around yours and your face grew even redder, "You're terrible."

Teldryn only winked.


Some half an hour later, you both had found the way out of the cavern and were grabbing your things.

Being the cave was on a mountainside, there was a dangerous cliff nearby, and while you heaved on your pack, Teldryn casually walked towards it.

You watched him with confusion as he untied the bedroll he had strapped to his bag. The rising sun outlined his figure, the yellow light glistening across his dark skin.

He looked at you, looked at the cliff, back at you, then chucked the bedroll off the cliff.

Your jaw dropped.

"Oh," he mused thoughtfully, "It seems like my bedroll has magically disappeared. I suppose we will have to share one, ____."

"Are you kidding me?" you barked out, mouth open partially as you stared, wide-eyed.

He shrugged innocently, walking back up to you. "I told you, I lost it."

"You just threw it off-"

"I have no idea what you're on about," he furrowed his brows.

"Are you kidding- you know what, whatever. I'm fine. Everything's fine," you muttered, starting to walk away from the cave and taking the trail that you'd come from. The Dunmer jogged to catch up with you, though choose to not go up beside you.

"Nice ass," he commented blatantly, brightly, and you stopped breathing for a good few seconds, face a rose red before muttering curses and attempting to go forward.

"So, we're basically a thing now? I'm saying we are. You're cute, I can do you," he reasoned to himself, while you mumbled under your breath.

"Hey, I'm hungry," he clarified randomly seconds later.

"Starve," you answered nonchalantly.

"I am hurt you would say such a mean thing."

You ignored him with a forced scowl.

"Hey, thanks for not leaving me to die," he noted.

"Uh-huh," was your uninterested response.

"Hey, do you think bears like sweet rolls?"


"I need an answer!" he persisted.


There was a surprised, over-dramatic gasp behind you. 

"We should join the Stormcloaks and murder the leader!" he exclaimed.

This time, you stopped completely and turned around.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" you barked, glaring at him. "Where did the pissy dark elf go?"

"Being rude is hard, you know," he defended, frowning.

You groaned.


Requested by 

Tery got into the crack stash apparently.


Dani out-


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