Brynjolf x Reader(Female) ~No Rest For The Wicked(2)~

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With a tsk, you slid into the unfamiliar underground room, the sound of heels clicking quietly.

Could you be silent?


Would you be silent?

Absolutely not.

There were a few turns of heads, a few sharp glances, 2 grins, and a blank stare.

Oh, poor, poor Bryn.

With a small smile coming upon your features, you entered the rundown tavern-like area, a bag of things in hand. Raising a brow, you tossed the bag in front of the owner, eyes cold and detached.

"Here's your shit. Lucky you had someone watching, otherwise, I would've kept it all. Have fun with your daggers," you state easily, smoother than silk.

He shook his head. "I can't believe you pulled that off, honestly."

A chuckle from you. Someone nearby scoffed. "It seems you may need to up your game then, thief."

The red-head rolled his eyes, "Thieves stealing from thieves."

"And I'm not even in your guild!" you exclaim.

"Oh, go off, lass, before you ruin my reputation."

You cackle. "I believe I already have."

"Probably. The Guildmaster is going to have my ass."

"Mercer Frey?" you question. He nodded. At the response, a wicked, charming and eager smirk curled upon your lips.

"I've swiped him clean before. Just last month, I believe. Had some real nice trinkets, that man."

Brynjolf groaned, leaning back in his chair. "Seriously?"

A wink. "I have tits. I can play my game. You, however, cannot."

He huffed. "Of course, of course. I should have expected that answer, you damn tease."

"You know it, honey."

"Tell me, how many men have you taken to bed?" 

"None," you answer instantly. "I'm not a whore."

He recoiled. "Uh... as in-"

"Yup," you raise a pinkie. "Single as an apple. It's not surprising, really, but it's whatever."

The man drew his brows. "Sorry, lass. Didn't mean it rude or anything."

You wave it off with a smile. "Stop acting as if you care."

"I do care!" he insisted immediately.

"Oh, come on, hun. I stole from you, knocked you out. You shouldn't care."

"You didn't kill me," he offered.

"I didn't," you agree. "There is always more money that can be won."

"Okay, Miss Bullshit, you don't want to depend on anyone. I get it," he muttered.

"I'm not joining," you state clearly.

He took a deep breath.

"Join?" he flashed a pathetic smile.

You gave him a dull stare.


"Look, hun, I'm thrilled for the offer, but you're friends want to rip my head off. I don't think that would be a great thing- me joining."

"They don't know who you are," he defended.

"You don't know who I am. I lie, I manipulate, I cheat, and when I steal, I steal more than money, Bryn. Don't try to be the good guy. I'll rip you to shreds," you warn.

He laughed mirthlessly. "And you think any of us here were any different when we came?"

"Your Guildmaster is stealing from your guild," you blurt. "He stayed the same."

"The fuck are you-"

You flicked out a long, thin white and bone-like oddly shaped item from a small pouch, showing it off in your palm with a raised brow.

"This is the skeleton key," you state. "You're guildmaster had it. I know the lore. I know it is true. And, I'm not an idiot. Gallus would've never let this happen, had Mercer not killed him."

Brynjolf couldn't physically open his mouth from the state of shock he was in, eyes wide and body frozen.

You deposited the key back in your satchel, standing. "And now, you deal with the aftermath. Have fun, green-eyed boy, and for the sake of Nocturnal, kill Mercer. She's getting real pissy to Sanguine, and honestly, you don't fuck with my Prince of fun."

And then, you walked out.

Step by step, you left, leaving nothing silence in your wake.

As you entered the empty Ratways, a lean, tall woman met you in the first room. A scowl was etched on her face, her exquisite robes just barely covering her literal nipples. A raven was perched on her shoulder, the bird's eyes a blazing red with a red ribbon tied around it's left leg.

"I did not allow you to tell my guild, Champion," the woman grounded out, sickly sweet and nearly a snarl.

The bird rolled it's eyes, as odd as the movement was. It spoke, "Oh, fuck off, Nal. Let us enjoy this."

You snorted. "Brynjolf- he going to be one of the new agents?" 

A stiff nod from the woman. "And the white-haired one."

"Vex? Oh, she'll spit in your face. Not her," you advised. The woman drew her brows, scoffing.

"Fine. Get the young gem, whatever her name is," the Daedra muttered.

"Oh, she's a pretty one," Sanguine snickered. "Not nearly a beautiful as the Champion, but she is bearable."

You chuckled. "Flattery. You remind me of Sheo."

"He is an ally, is he not?" the bird cockily stated.

Nocturnal shook her head. "He is unpredictable. I despise him."

"Hey," you hum, "can I fuck Brynjolf? Like, before and after he's an agent?"

The woman squawked, "You will do no such thing!"

"He was giving you the look, ____," the bird winked.

"Exactly. Two to one, Nal."

"He will be my agent, not a toy for my Champion to spend her muses on!" she hissed.

"I didn't say he'd be a toy. I said I wanted to fuck him," you state simply.

"And she will," Sanguine cawed loudly, "with the best-"

"I am done with you both!"


I don't know how this got to this.



This is like, kind of a a crack fic.


Otherwise, i need to catch some sleep, 


Dani out,


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