Brynjolf x Reader(Female) ~Enchanted(3)~

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"Alright, Vex and Tonilia, you work on the guild entrance. Niruin, you set up the shop and the entrance from there. Bryn, you help me start putting together beds, nightstands, desks, tables, and the like. Sound like a plan for today?" you questioned, looking to the small group of people before you. Nods followed along with agreeing murmurs that echoed about the underground chambers.

"I'll fetch you all for lunch, don't get side tracked. If you get done, come in and help me and Brynjolf," you added, glancing to him at your side briefly.

Brynjolf returned the gaze, smiling. "Aye. Let's get to work," he dismissed, and the small crew went about their rather large tasks, leaving you and Bryn in the main room.

"It's similar to Riften in design, but damn, it smells better," you chuckled as he moved an arm around your shoulders and he himself laughed quietly before speaking.

"You've got that right, lass. You wanna start on the beds, I start on the desk?" he offered.

You knew he was doing it because the wood for the desk was much heavier and putting it together would be a bitch, but hey, he volunteered. It was transported here in pieces to be less noticeable when you were bringing it in through an entrance through the Whiterun walls and generally less cumbersome.

Now, you simply had to put all the pieces of all the furniture together. That being said you were short on people because of the hustle and bustle at the main base so you and the 'dream team' would be setting up this new place for a good chunk of the month. If you were able to recruit some new members or some of the guild members were in Whiterun for a job and could help set up things, that time frame could very well be cut down to a week or two.

However, it would be unlikely anyone would help out with the second base, so this was good enough. At least it wasn't just you doing everything yourself.

Hours wore by and the sun rose to once more proclaim the day to be upon Skyrim, a solid 4 beds being put together by your hand and Brynjolf finished off the desk (you had to help him lift it and by Nocturnal was it heavy!) along with the bookshelves that would go behind it. Now, you were down to 4 more beds needing to be put together, the Guildmaster's quarters, a washroom, a training room, and somewhere to cook food.

There was stuff everywhere. Hammers, nails, huge crates filled with hay mattresses, and more.

Deciding it was time for a bit of a break, you and Brynjolf hopped up on the sturdy desk and you literally laid down in his lap, letting your eyes close for a bit.

His hand gently ran through your hair, a soft, teasing smile on his face. "Burnt out already, lass? We've only just started."

You opened your eyes, meeting his and huffing quietly. "Shut up. I did the harder work," you mumbled.

"I suppose you did. Those bedframes were awfully thick- better than the ones at the main base. We'll have to arrange to fix up things over there, won't we?" Brynjolf chuckled. You groaned, sitting up and promptly leaning your head on his shoulder.

"I'm not putting it together," you grumbled. "Mercer gets to do all the hard work. I'll gladly take the paperwork."

His arm moved to your shoulder and he pulled you on closer, pressing a light kiss to your forehead and then to your lips. A sigh left his mouth and he titled his head, resting it atop yours as the scent of him and his guild leathers met your nose, a smell that you now connect to a sense of home.

A person. Not really a place, though the base in Riften was technically your home, it wouldn't feel like much of a safe place if Brynjolf wasn't there. You loved him with all your heart, and he returned the affection twice over. The two of you really were as thick as thieves.

The thought made you want to laugh.

"Ugh, nap time," you mumbled whilst your lover's laugh echoed through the chamber. This new base didn't have any of the small ponds the Riften one had, but hey, less trouble and less rivalry then. You couldn't through someone in the pond when you felt like it because there was no pond.

"Lass, you've been up all night, get some rest. I'll be working," Brynjolf asserted, leaving you no choice but to follow his orders. As he hopped off the desk, you laid on your stomach and passed out while Bryn got to work.

The pounding of a hammer didn't even wake you, nor any of the loud screeches that the wood would make on occasion. You slept for about a fifth of the morning time left and then groggily got back to work.

After putting in another hour or two of putting things together and moving them to where they needed to be, you left Bryn and headed out to get some food for the five of your crew.

You couldn't be more exhausted, but still, you were more than happy. Things were working out. You had a purpose and you had a family.

Life was settled.


I did this on my phone, so if you see any grammatical errors, comment on the paragraph you found them on and I'll get to fixing jt. Don't be afraid to point stuff out on other chapters too for things that don't make sense or aren't spelled correctly.

Love yall, sorry for the wait on this one, but I've been stuffed with things lately!

Who is your side-chick character? The one you resort to when you can't find the character you enjoy the most?


Dani out,


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