~Banana 1~

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Lately, there are words going around the New York streets, rumors that many fear might be true.

"The Leopard has returned," they say.

Eiji faces the mirror and gingerly wipes off the mist clouding the glass. One stroke of his dry palms and he is able to see his bleary eyes sitting upon a pair of black circles. He stares at his messy reflection for quite a while, maybe long enough to let mist crawl back to the mirror's surface.

This has become Eiji's daily morning routine.

He combs his shaggy hair, washes his face and then slips into his casual clothes, just a pair of jeans and a black hoodie. He makes his way to his small kitchen and settles down on his small table for breakfast. His food has never gained any taste ever since that dreadful day. Tasteless, but he still eats as compliance to keep his body going. And just like any other days, Eiji once again finds himself empty, lonely and wanting something. He knows what he dearly wants but he doesn't know how he can get it or decide whether he should get it and worse, he knows he probably doesn't deserve to get it.

He shoves his dishes on his kitchen counter, leaving them for him to wash later when he returns. He slings his backpack on his shoulders and leaves his little apartment. He halts by his doorstep and sucks in a long deep breath before giving himself a slap.

"You can go through this day, Eiji." He chants to himself his spell as he goes down the stairs. "And cheer up will you? Today is special. Today will be different." He assures, trying to convince himself to believe a pending truth that may never even happen.

"Have you heard?"

"Heard what?"

"He's back!"

"He? You mean the Leopard?"

Hearing this talk among people on the streets has also been normal for Eiji. He never pays attention to it, knowing very well that it doesn't concern him. People who's got nothing better to do than gossip are people he knows he shouldn't concern himself with.

The Asian stops by a flower shop just around a corner and buys the same kind of flowers.

"How are you with your girlfriend, Eiji? I'm guessing it's going well with you two." The woman etches a wide smile, teasing the bashful boy as she arranges the flowers to his preference.

Eiji curves his lips up to a shy smile and awkwardly scratches the back of his head while sounding off a forced laugh. "I guess you could say that. But I'm still waiting for her reply and I'm not so sure when she'll give me one."

The florist snips out the last leaf going in the way and hands over to Eiji his purchase. "Don't worry. I'm sure that'll happen. Just be patient."

"I really hope so." Eiji mumbles under his breath, it was barely above whisper that it became almost inaudible when honking of cars sounded off.

In truth, Eiji is expecting for something to happen, he always has been. There is nothing more he can do than wait and expect for things to improve. Normally, he doesn't want to have high hopes but he decides to think differently this time, especially for this special day. He's willing to take the risk of falling just so he can let his hopes soar - a scary thing yet thrilling to do.

"See you tomorrow." Eiji bids farewell to the florist with a bow and then quietly makes his leave.

Eiji once again treads on the busy streets of New York. Then a cake shop enters his field of vision, allowing an idea to pop in his head.

It might not be too fun if I end up eating it alone but... I want to be the first one to give a cake.

Now Eiji's back on his track. His feet later on brings him to his destination. He walks in and as usual, his pulse quickens and the sound of his heartbeat travels to his ears. At the back of his mind, he prays for a developement. Even the very little improvement will be more than enough. He just desperately needs an answer.

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