~Banana 44~

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The bright yellow sun has started to turn bright orange, painting the sky with hues of pink and purple. Eiji takes in a deep breath, smelling the calming salty scent of the ocean. He walks down the pathway of sand and notices the presence of only a few people. Eiji gazes at the sun slowly setting down behind the silhouette mountains. Day starts to shift into night and the twinkling stars are the proof. The Asian stares up above, thoughts consuming his own consciousness away.

A walk by the shore after a bath is just perfect. Eiji smiles at his brilliant choice as he stretches his body, his hands reaching up to the sky that seems reachable at the moment.

"Ei-chan, you both are from two different worlds." Eiji's chest constricted in pain at the sudden playback. He shakes his head to alter the thought he dreaded but it proved to be useless.

"That's just you being selfish!" The boy tries to supress the thoughts but the more he tries to, the more it submerges in his mind.

"Do not let him remember you. That way, it'll be easier for you to leave when you're ready."

Tears start to prickle on Eiji's eyes. Right now, he's being torn apart. He wants to stay but he also wants Ash to live in peace and this can only happen if he disappears for good. Without him, Ash will no longer have any weaknesses, he'll be strong.

What am I doing here? Eiji drops down to the warm blanket of the seashore and folds his knees and leans to it, hugging himself to keep in his emotions.

"What's with the sudden dismal face?"

Eiji flinches but he does not immediately shows his face, not until the tears are still there. Ash should be the last person on Earth Eiji wants to see right now. Ash stops beside Eiji and stares at the curled up boy who's supposed to be older than him yet at the moment appears to him nothing more than a sulking kitten.

Ash dismisses Eiji's gloomy aura and walks over to the calm waters. He waltz in and stops when under ankle-deep. The soft ripples tickles Ash's toes and he can't stop a sweet groan of relief from escaping his lips. A soft breeze catches a few strands of Ash's hair, floating them in front of his face. Eiji looks up and he sees the younger boy, completely still and serene as if he was standing on the clouds.

If I stay, I'll take that peacefulness away. Eiji brings his gaze down the disrupted waters, perfect circular shapes pooling at Ash's feet. Then he the once again sinks his face between his knees. A moment later, a slushing sound inches closer to Eiji and he knew he's got to get himself together.

Ash squats down a little behind from Eiji. Staring at the boy's back, he asks. "What's wrong really?"

Eiji hunts for the words but he couldn't formulate a formidable lie to throw. "Nah. Just a little tired." He shrugs, tilting his head a little to his side to show Ash a tight-lipped smile.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Ash balls his hands into fists, a little doubting to what he's about to do. But knowing Eiji's right in front of him and not being able to hold him is a too much to bear. So Ash concedes to his desire. He pulls Eiji to him, wrapping his arms around the Asian's torso and planting his face on Eiji's back. "But you also didn't need to lie." He supplies in a gentle whisper.

Eiji's body, driven by guilt, instinctively stiffens but eventually finds peace at the embrace.

"Thank you." Eiji whispers so softly that only he could hear.



"Stay with me, okay?"

Eiji's heartbeat suddenly races and suddenly he couldn't breathe. Tears are about to flow. He's in a complete mess right now. Should he say yes, stay with Ash and make him vulnerable once again or no, leave New York, forget everything and start anew. The later sure offers unbearable pain and almost seems impossible to do but it is what's right.

"Ash. I---"

"Shhh." Ash interrupts as he squeezes Eiji even more. "You don't have to answer me right now. Think of it and give me an answer two days from now. I'll wait for you at that cafe we went to. 9 in the evening."

Eiji didn't speak a word and even forgot to breathe.

"Take your time."

Eiji's breath hitches in pain. "Alright." He replies through gritted teeth. Slowly, he closes his eyes, feeling Ash's warm and comfort. This could be the last time I do this. Sleep sweeps the boy into the world of unconsciousness and his body falls to Ash.

Ash lets out a laugh, thinking how cute Eiji looks like in his arms. He tilts Eiji's face towards him and gently plants a kiss on the boy's forehead. Eiji groans softly as he snuggles closer, making it hard for Ash to resist doing whatever he has in mind. Forgetting his thoughts, he slowly carries the unconscious boy up and goes back to their room.

Servants, upon sight of the two, quickly rushes over for assistance but Ash politely declines, kindly explaining that Eiji's light as a paper to carry and that he's not bothered carrying him at all.

"What happened?" Ash darts his eyes to Yut Lung who's looking at them with amusement, having a drink over a card game with the silent and oblivious Sing. "You overdid it. Did I guess right?"

Ash's gaze turns into a sharp glare. "You guessed wrong." He dryly remarks before proceeding on his way.

Ash gently eases Eiji down the soft bed. He slips the blanket above the boy's sleeping body, tucking him to even deeper slumber. The raven haired boy squiggles, his face slowly painting an agonizing expression. Ash, shocked, quickly comes near looking so worried.

"I'm sorry." Eiji chokes out weakly as a lone tear drops from the side of eye.

"What's going on in his sleep?" Ash anxiously stares at Eiji, his chest also constricting in pain. He sits beside the boy and brushes his hand against his ice cold cheeks.

After a while of torturing minutes, Eiji looks to have calmed down and Ash can finally come out from his troubled thoughts.

Was it too selfish of me to ask you to stay? You might-- no, you will be hurt if you stay with me. I know that very well but...

The blonde bites his lips until his own blood starts to gush from it, dribbling down his chin.

But that's more tolerable than not having you with me. I'm a monster aren't I? But Eiji, I'm willing to be a demon if it means having you. That's how much you mean to me. That's how much I love you. I just hope you feel the same.

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