~Banana 29~

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"Hey Eiji wait for me."

"I won! Serves you right, loser Ace!"

"W-What are you doing? That's my cup!"

"Can I sleep in your room, Ei?"

Ash shuts off his laptop screen and he did it quite with force because it made a noise of a screen crashing. Ash's mood is completely ugly because of the chattering of a certain duo who are being so noisy it's as if they own the place. Now, Ash is intensely glaring at the door to the point he could melt it.

"What about we play chess?"

"I'll be on that."

Ash couldn't pretend that he's deaf. Not anymore after pretending to be one for the last couple of hours. The two have finally reached the endline of his patience and unfortunate for them he's not kind enough to tolerate an extension.

Ash storms his way out of his room and then barges right into Eiji's that is right in front of his.

The two stares at him in surprise.

"Wanna join us Ash? We're playing che---"

"I can clearly see what you're doing." Eiji instantly shuts his mouth, suddenly feeling so small under Ash's glare.

"C'mon, Ash. Don't be so stingy." Ace tells Ash and makes his way to him. He then swings an arm around his neck playfully. "We haven't played together for ages. Why don't we do it no---"

"Why are you still here?"

Ace's jolly vibe is turned off by Ash's question that seemed so rude to Eiji's ears. Knowing Eiji, he'll surely butt in.

"What's with that attitude, Ash? You should be grateful to him so why the rude act?"

Ash darts Eiji a sharp look, the corner of his lips twitching in irritation.

"Oh right. He helped me, not you. But even a little hospitality would be more than enough."

Ash had to bite his tongue to control his temper. Lucky Eiji, Ash is still sane enough to understand it's partially his fault for indeed being rude towards a guest.

"He has to leave." Ash firmly declares. "He has no reason to stay here."

"But he has nowhere to go."

"Nowhere?" Ash clarifies, staring right through Ace's eyes. "I doubt that."

"Why are you being like this Ash? You don't know anything about him."

Ash shifts his eyes to Eiji. "What about you, Eiji?"

Taken aback, Eiji wasn't able to throw a quick comeback and ends up calling defeat. "I'll ask Yut Lung for his permission later."

"Fine. Do what you want." Ash closes and heads back but he stops short to give a short reminder with warning.

"But you certainly can't sleep in Eiji's room."

Ace furrows his brows and paints a disappointed face. "What? Why?"

"Because I won't allow it."

Obviously. Ash, do you take me for a fool?

"If you insist, try to hide your neck 'cause I'll make sure to break that so you'll never get to see daylight again."

Despite Ash's deadly warning, Ace persists to squeeze answers and disregards the warning. "Why am I not allowed? Eiji told me you slept in his room so why can't---"

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