~Banana 5~

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"Put me down already!" Eiji shouts, punching Ash's firm back and his feet kicking at whatever he can hit endlessly.

Ash walks them proudly through the center of the crowd, loving the feeling of Eiji squirming about, burrying his face against his back. He's undoubtly enjoying the entertainment brought by the sight of Eiji humiliated by all of these.

"Ash!" Eiji calls again and this time, angrily.

Without second thoughts, Ash harshly drops the light-as-feather Eiji from his shoulders to the ground. Eiji lands with a loud thud and a painful complaining grunt.

"You're a sadist." Eiji remarks brusquely as he brushes off the dirt that held on his clothes.

"Glad you know." Ash grumbles before turning on his heels.

"Ash, wait."

Eiji's body acted purely on instinct. It reacted when it sensed Ash's act of departure. And now he's clinging tightly to Ash like a girl. Yes, humiliating but he really did.

Ash looks down on Eiji with a flickering mixture of excitement, surprise and confusion swarming behind his eyes. But what dominates all those emotions is annoyance. His patient has run out and now only miracles that are very unlikely to happen can save Eiji.

"Get off." Ash growls as his face dims, his hooded eyes now locking to Eiji's  innocent ones, his demeanor now starting to grow grim.

"I..." Eiji flinches back as if Ash was fire burning his hands and softly whispers an apology. "I'm sorry."

"Look here," Ash says while he calms himself before hell could break lose. "You must be a person I've saved or someone who owes me bigtime. If this is your way of repaying me because of your guilt, I strongly suggest you drop it. I don't need it."

"It's not something like that, Ash."

"Then what?"

I can't tell you.

Arching up a brow at Eiji, Ash laughs.

"If you can't tell me, then scram."

"I can't do that. Ash, please."

"Are you that dumb not to understand what I'm saying? I'm saying you're an eyesore Eiji and I'm saying that I hate merely knowing your presence is near me. Still don't get it?"

Ash had rejected Eiji and told him painful words again and again ever since he woke up and Eiji has been able to tolerate the pain. But he couldn't anymore this time. It's more brutal this time. He can't hide his tears anymore.

So he let them flow freely.

I can't get used to the pain, huh?

Why are you crying? Just who are you?

Eyes are preying on them, this is what Ash's instincts are telling him. People have been paying attention to them but never did Ash sensed such strong presence, the one that thirsts for blood.

I'm never wrong when it comes to this.

"Eiji, let's go." Ash says as he plants a firm hold around Eiji's shoulders and ushers him to walk in the way he wants them to go.

Still, the sensation lingers. He pulls Eiji closer to his side and drags him to a dark desolate alley between two huge buildings.

Taking off his jacket, Ash hands them to Eiji.

"Wear it." He instructs and Eiji follows without any further questions. Ash is suspicious about Eiji's unexpected  change of character. He's quite and obedient right now when in fact Ash expected him to bombard him with questions. Moreover, Ash worries about how Eiji acts as if unaffected by his sudden actions. But worrying is the least Ash should be thinking about with the matter at hand.

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