~Banana 7~

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The fiasco is finally over and the night has grown old. Everyone is now taking the liberty of the peace night brings and is now in deep slumber.

Everyone excepts for Eiji.

Eiji isn't asleep, more like, he can't. And it is not because he's got a bad feeling, it's the exact opposite. For him, so much had happened on this day his mind couldn't cope up and tell reality and imagination apart. He still finds it hard to believe that Ash is back and the fact Ash couldn't remember anything of him. Everything seems to be in a floating dream and Eiji is scared he might wake up from this bitter dream and face a worse reality.

Lost in his train of thoughts, Eiji has unconsciously led himself to the veranda. He rests his arms on the rough cement and let his weight fall to it. The cold evening breeze blows and gently kisses his cold cheeks and sways his messy hair. He stares with fascination at the sky, admiring the thousands of gems dangling from it.

"Can't sleep?" Eiji flinches a little by the arrival of his companion.

Eiji nods in response, not looking at Ash.

Ash places himself beside Eiji but facing the opposite side, leaning his waist on where Eiji rests his arms.

"You hate this place?"

"No." Eiji simply answers.

A moment of silence falls upon the two but it isn't the awkward type. It's rather calm and refreshing as if it was something the two finally got to do after a long time of not being able to.

"Earlier," Ash speaks and stops when hesitation obstructs his throat but then he decides to go on. "I saw you talking to Sing. It seems you two were talking secretly and of course it's about something that's secret, too. Tell me about it."

Eiji pulls his lips up to a tender smile to try to hide his nervousness. "Secrets are called secrets for a reason."

"Tell me." Ash's voice, as well as his demeanor is now growing impatient but Eiji still wishes to keep silent despite knowing the danger.

Ash looks at Eiji straight in the eyes but then Eiji avoids him and this triggered Ash.

"You think I can't notice?" Ace snarls, drawing Eiji close by his arm so their eyes can meet. "Why do many of my gang members know you? Are you a spy? What do you know?"

Eiji doesn't want to answer. Even if he did, he can't. Ash forgot him for a reason and Eiji knows why that is and now he thinks it'll be better if he stays out in the memory of the new Ash, even though a little voice deep inside betrays this earnest feeling.

Ash draws his face even closer until Eiji can feel his heavy breathing. "Better spill it now than later. I'm not generous enough to give people second chances."

Eiji tugs down his lips to a frown, his eyes now full of hesitation and guilt.

Impatient of Eiji's silence, Ash clenches his jaws tight. "Answer me."

I want to trust you so tell me.

Ash's eyes of fury now waver in doubt when it saw Eiji's eyes of pain, longing, lonliness and sorrow.

"Who's there?" Someone asks with hostility. The light hits the two and the man instantly drops a cold sweat.

"Is everything alright, boss?" He queries while slowly pointing his gun to Eiji.

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