~Banana 31~

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"So after that Eiji and I got stuck on that tree. I would've jumped off but Eiji was worried and stopped me. I don't mind breaking a bone or two but getting stuck with Eiji was much of a better choice so I stayed. And then..."

Ace has to be a human talking machine gun otherwise how he can't seem to stop blabbing or how he's been hyper talking about what Eiji and he did for the whole day would be left a mystery. Not to mention he's been doing it for the last thirty minutes.

But having a talkative buddy proved to be helpful given the place and time at the moment. Whenever Ace pauses, an awkward atmosphere swiftly takes over and all that can be heard are utensils brushing against each other.

"And then that movie was suuuuuper gooood. I was in tears but what's more to hear is that Eiji was really sobbing at the end."

Ace bursts out laughing while vividly recalling the scene, throwing Eiji in the state of 'wanna say his side but is too embarrassed to'.


Eiji looks at Ash whom he thought just scoffed at him.

"You're an adult, Eiji. Act like one."

"Says someone who was doing nothing but stayed locked up and sulked in his room 'cause his boyfriend has not been giving him time lately."

"What did you say?" Ash asks through clenched teeth.

"You're hearing things." Yut Lung smartly counters with a smug look intended to piss Ash all the way to his core.

Why didn't I appreciate this kind of mood before? Eiji asks at the back of his mind and then laughs to himself.

All of the sudden, Eiji feels as if all eyes were on him. He raises his head and he proved himself right.

"W-What?" He asks, uncomfortably squirming on his seat.

"Congratulations." Ash scowls at Yut Lung who just pinched his cheeks as he said his greeting, his hands itching to do the same except his gonna do it strong enough to rip Yut Lung's cheeks.

"You just witnessed your boyfriend laugh. Has that made your day?"

Ash meets Eiji's eyes and Eiji shyly squirms and awkwardly smiles at their meet.

Ash shifts on his snob mode and just resumes eating dinner.

After their dinner that for some reason feels very exhausting and after Eiji finally finished listening to all of Ace's stories that seemed endless, Eiji goes back to his room.

He promised me a part two. Eiji giggles to himself, obviously excited of what tomorrow may bring. He walks down the dim corridors with his one hand tucked inside his pocket. Then as he approaches his room closer and closer, a lone figure standing on the opposite side enters his vision.

"Hi Ash." He calls out once he was near enough. "Do you need something?"

Ash travels his eyes from Eiji's feet then up to his face. Then without a word, he barges into Eiji's room.

Eiji sullenly frowns. He's got a room of his own. Why barge to mine? Eiji follows inside where he is met by Ash who is comfortably sitting on his bed, legs spread on the floor with his ankles as anchors.

"Sit here." Ash demands.

Eiji closes his eyes as he makes his way to his sofa and sits there instead. "Don't be unreasonable." Eiji remarks dryly.

"You're so hard headed, don't you think?" Ash stands up and ambles to Eiji, bringing along with him the kit.

Ash grunts as he gets on his knees and slides closer to Eiji. Then he slowly and gently takes off the bondage around Eiji's wound.

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